Sales Orders
A sales order specifies the products and quantities ordered by a customer. The sales order will typically go through various processing steps, such as Acknowledgement, Picking, Packing, Shipping and Invoicing.
Sales List
The Sales list can be found by clicking Sales in the left menu of Acctivate. The Sales list window is made up of four primary sections:
- Search Bar, Sort and Filters
- List of non-posting sales transactions (sales orders, sales quotes, credit memos)
- Sales order details
- Sales order information
When viewing the list of sales transactions, this window is commonly referred to as the Sales list. It's also acceptable to refer to this window as the Sales window when viewing a single sales transaction. The Enter Sales Order / Sales Quote / Credit Memo window is a separate window that is used for entering or editing. In order to eliminate any confusion, it's best to use the appropriate name when referencing either of these windows.
Search Bar and Sort
The upper left-hand corner of the Sales list contains a Search bar which will filter down the Sales list as you type. The following fields are searched:
- Order Number
- Customer
- Sold to Name
- Sold to City
- Sold to State
- Contact Name
You can also sort the Sales list by clicking the "Sort" text. The arrow next to the text will point up or down to indicate whether the list is sorting ascending or descending.
Above the search bar is a drop-down menu allowing you to select standard or custom filters. The Sales list has two standard filters which are visible to all users:
- Open Only: Displays all the sales transactions which are open.
- All Sales Documents: Displays all open and closed (completed or canceled) sales transactions.
You can also create custom filters:
- Click the Filter button.
- In the Filter Editor window, click the + symbol to add filter expressions.
- Once you've added all the filter expressions, click one of the buttons:
- OK: This will apply your filters and close the Filter Editor. This filter will not be saved, but it will remain in place until you select another standard or custom filter. The filter menu will display "Custom Filter..." to indicate a custom filter is applied.
- Apply: This will apply your filters, but it keeps the Filter Editor open so you can further adjust the filters.
- Save As: This allows you to save this filter for use again in the future. When you choose this option, you must enter a Filter Name and you have the option to select the Available for all users checkbox. If left unchecked, this filter will only be available for the user who created it.
Edit, delete, or share an existing filter
Once you've created a filter, you can edit, delete or make the filter shared with everyone.
- In the saved filter drop down list, select your filter.
- Click the Filter button to open the Filter Editor.
- Click the downward arrow next to the Save button to see a list of options:
- Save as New Filter...: Use this to copy this filter as a new filter. You can add additional filter expressions before or after this step.
- Share filter with everyone: This option is available if the filter is not already shared with everyone. If a filter is shared with everyone, the text Shared will appear next to the Save button.
- Rename Filter...: If this option is selected, you will be prompted to enter the new filter name.
- Delete Filter: This will delete the saved filter.
Once a filter is shared with everyone, it cannot be un-shared. However, you can copy the shared filter as a new filter that is not shared, then delete the original shared filter.
List of Sales Orders
There are three key pieces of information on display in the list of sales transactions.
- Sales order number (or quote number or credit memo number).
- Customer
- Status
- "Late" will appear if the sales order is past the requested ship date (or if the quote is past its follow up date).
Sales Order / Service Order
The Sales Order tab (or Service Order tab) displays the header and detail information for the sales order.
Bill To/Ship To
If there is a Customer Note or Location Note, an information button ("i" icon) will appear to the left of the respective address. Click the "i" icon to view the notes.
The toolbar above the details allows you to search the Product ID and Description fields. If a Kit or Assortment product is on the order you can use the Show components button to show/hide components. Similarly, if this order has been partially invoiced, you will see a Show completed lines button which allows you to show or hide completed order lines.
Use the Columns button to show or hide optional columns (requires system administrator permissions).
If the order was marked as completed or cancelled after some products have been invoiced, the completed order will show the Shipped quantity and optionally the Cancelled quantity (if the Outstanding/Cancelled column is selected for display).
The Timeline tab gives a list of all activity for the sales transactions, sequenced by date. You can use the Type list and Look for search box to filter the list of activity.
Sales Order Entry
Sales orders can be created in various ways; however most users will find the following methods are the most common way to start the creation of a sales order in Acctivate:
Start with the Customer list:
- Using the Customer list in the left menu, search for and select the Customer you want to create a sales order for.
- Use the Create... menu to select Sales Order
- The Enter Sales Order window will appear with the customer added to it.
Start with the Sales list:
- Open the Sales list in the left menu.
- Click the +New Sales Order button in the bottom of the list.
- In the New Sales Order window that opens, click the magnifying glass icon to lookup and select a Customer.
Start in the Enter Sales Order window:
- Select Enter Sales Order from the Sales menu at the top of Acctivate.
- Click New in the Enter Sales Order window.
- Use the magnifying glass icon to lookup and select a Customer.
Once the Enter Sales Order window appears, you can begin to add products :
- Click in the Product ID field and either type in the Product ID or use the lookup (ellipsis button in the Product ID field or press F4 on your keyboard) to open the Choose Product ID lookup window.
- Enter the Ordered quantity. Acctivate will set the Scheduled quantity to the quantity available.
- Add additional line items and any other sales order information. Use the Sales Order Fields Guide to fill out the necessary sales order fields.
In addition to the above steps, there are additional ways to enter a Sales Order:
- Convert an existing Sales Quote to a Sales Order.
- Create a Sales Order or Service Order from a Business Activity.
- Import a Sales Order from a Web Store Integration.
- Import a Sales Order via an EDI Integration.
- Import a Sales Order from a text or data file.
Sales Order Fields
Header Section
The Enter Sales Order header section is visible at all times and includes information such as the order number, ordered date, and customer.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Order # | Text / 40 Characters (500 for QuickBooks Online) | Required. The Order # field will automatically assign the next sales order number when you Save the sales order. The Order number assigned will be based on the Sales Order sequence in the Company Numbers section of the Configuration Manager. You can enter your own order number before saving or edit it after saving as long as it isn't a duplicate. |
Customer | Text / 41 Characters | Use the Magnifying Glass to lookup and select a customer. Alternatively, you can type in the customer name. If a match isn't found you will be asked if you want to create the customer. |
Date | Date | The date the sales order was received from your customer. This can be back dated to match the date the order was received. Different than the order's entry date which can be found on the Additional Info tab. |
Location | List | Displays a list of locations saved in the Ship To tab of the Edit Customer window. |
PO | Text / 25 Characters | The customer's PO number. |
Ref | Text / 30 Characters | An additional reference field. A default Reference can be defined in the Reference field in the Customer tab of the Edit Customer window. |
The Detail section of the sales order includes the customer's bill to, ship to, and contact information as well as the ship via.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Billing Address | Text / Up to 5 lines, 41 Characters per line (500 for QuickBooks Online) | The billing address comes from the Billing Address field in the Edit Customer window. This field can be manually overridden. |
Shipping Address | Text / Up to 5 lines, 41 Characters per line (500 for QuickBooks Online) | The Location field at the top of the Enter Sales Order window will determine which shipping address is displayed. You can change the Location field or manually overwrite the Shipping Address fields. |
Contact Name | List or Text / 50 Characters | The contact for this sales order. The Contact Name field will display a list of the customer's billing contact, ship to contacts, and additional contacts from the Contacts tab of the Edit Customer window. You can type in a contact for this order as well, however it will not be saved to the Edit Customer window. If contact information exists for the ship to location selected on the sales order, that contact information will be defaulted. Ship To contact information can be found on the Phone side tab of the Ship To tab in the Edit Customer window. If no shipping contact information exists for the location selected on the order, then the customer's billing contact info is used. Billing contact information can be found on the Phone side tab of the Customer tab in the Edit Customer window. |
Contact Phone | Text / 50 Characters | The contact phone number for this sales order. |
Contact Fax | Text / 50 Characters | The contact fax number for this sales order. |
Contact Email | Text / 253 Characters (100 for QuickBooks Online) | The contact email for this sales order. This will be the email used for any documents emailed from the sales order, including invoices. |
Ship Attn | Text / 50 | The ship to attention for this sales order. Will default based on the ship to Location but can be overridden. |
Terms | List | Required. Defaults to the customer's terms code if one is assigned (Credit tab of the Edit Customer window). The list includes all terms codes setup in QuickBooks. |
Branch | List | Required. Defaults to the customer's default Branch if one is assigned (Customer tab of the Edit Customer window). |
Ship Via | List | The Ship Via to be used for the sales order. |
Service | List | Displays the Carrier and Carrier Service to be used for shipping. The Ship Via can be configured to set a default Service. |
Requested | Date | The Requested Ship date represents the date the customer has requested the sales order to be shipped. The Shipping tab of the Enter Sales Order window will show how many days are left until the order needs to ship, or it will display how many days overdue the order is. The current date is compared against this date when picking Sales Orders using Acctivate Mobile. |
Detail Grid
The Detail grid is where product details are entered.
A row of buttons appear above the right side of the grid:
- Move: The Move button allows you to insert rows, move the selected row up or down, or delete the selected row.
- Options: The Options button contains a menu of options for the grid:
- Find: When the sales order is not in edit mode you are able to search the order lines. Using the Find option will filter down the rows to show only those that match the Find text.
- Send to Excel: Exports the order grid as an Excel file.
- Restore Grid Settings: Restores the grid back to its default columns and sizing.
- Show Columns: Lists the optional columns which can be hidden or shown. Requires a System Administrator to change and the selected columns apply to all users.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Type | List |
Product ID | Text / 159 Characters | Use the magnifying glass lookup button to open the product lookup window, or type in the Product ID. |
Description | Text / 4095 characters | The product's description. This will default to the description used in the Edit Product window, but can be overridden per order if the Allow Product Description Change sales order option is enabled. |
Instructions | Text | The Special Instructions field is a lengthy text field allows order line specific instructions to be recorded. Use the ellipsis lookup button to 'pop out' the window for easier authoring and viewing of the special instructions. |
Reference | Text / 30 Characters | The Reference field allows entering reference information per order line. |
W/H | List | After adding the Product to the sales order, you can choose the warehouse the product should be picked from. The warehouse field is an optional column in companies with only one active warehouse. If the Branch doesn't have a default warehouse associated with it, then the first warehouse (alphanumerically) the product is stocked in will be used. If the Branch has a default warehouse associated with it, the product will use that warehouse if it's stocked in it. If the product is not stocked in the Branch's default warehouse, then you will be asked if you want to add the warehouse to the product:
The exception to the above statement is Kit products. You can only select a warehouse that stocks the kit and all it's components. When using the Product lookup window to add a product to the warehouse (by clicking the ellipsis button in the Product ID field), if the Available in filter is set to a warehouse or "Any" and you select a row, the warehouse of the row is used. For example, a product would appear twice in the product lookup window if it's stocked in the "D" and "F" warehouse and the filter is set to "Available in". Selecting the product row for the "F" warehouse will add the product and use the "F" warehouse, regardless of the Branch's default warehouse. |
Location | List |
Ordered / Qty | Numeric | The quantity ordered by the customer. Shown as "Qty" for Booked orders. |
U/M | List | The sales unit of measure. Will default to the sales unit of measure defined in the Edit Product window but can be overridden per order. |
Sched | Numeric | The scheduled quantity represents the quantity that is to be picked, packed, shipped and invoiced. Acctivate will schedule up to the available qty for a product (unless the Schedule Out-of-Stock Products sales order option is enabled, in which case the full ordered quantity is scheduled). This number can be manually overridden to over schedule or put qty on backorder. |
B/O | Numeric | The quantity that is unable to be fulfilled due to a lack of inventory availability. |
Length | Numeric | This is a read only field displaying the length of one stocking unit of the product. |
Weight | Numeric | This is a read only field displaying the weight of one stocking unit of the product. |
Pr Cd | List | The Price Code field will default to a price code if the customer is eligible for a price code assigned to the product, see Sales Price Selection. Use the magnifying glass lookup button to view all the price codes available for the product and make a selection. The price code field will display one of the following symbols
Price | Numeric | The price to be charge for this product. See Sales Price Selection. Prices entered that exceed 7 decimals will be rounded to 7 decimals places. |
U/M | List | The unit relating to the product sales price. |
Pr Qty | Numeric | The Price Quantity field displays the number of pricing units which make up the scheduled quantity. E.g., an ordered qty of 120 Ea priced at $20 per Dz, would result in a Price Quantity of 10. The price multiplied by the price quantity results in the total line amount. Products configured for variable pricing, such as weight and length based pricing, will allow you to manually enter the Price Qty. |
% Off | Numeric | A number entered in this field will be interpreted as the percentage off of the order line's total amount. E.g., "10" would result in a 10% off the total line amount. |
Class | List | The Product Class for the sales order line. This will default to the product's Product Class. If the Allow Product Class Change on Order Entry sales order option is enabled, you can change the Product Class for this order. This Product Class will be used on the invoice and used for sales reporting. Changing the product class on a sales order will affect which income and COGS account is used if your income and COGS accounts are linked to Product Classes. |
Cost | Numeric | The total scheduled or ordered cost (depending on which is selected in the order footer) based on the Average Cost, Last Cost, or Management cost for the product and warehouse. The cost used is selected from the Options menu above the grid. Requires View Cost permission |
Margin | Numeric | The margin amount based on the total scheduled or ordered cost (depending on which is selected in the order footer) based on the Average Cost, Last Cost, or Management cost for the product and warehouse. Calculated as Amount-Cost for either the Scheduled or Total amount. The cost used is selected from the Options menu above the grid. Requires View Cost permission |
Margin % | Numeric | The Margin percentage based on the Average Cost, Last Cost, or Management cost for the product and warehouse. Calculated as ((Amount-Cost)/Amount)*100 for either the Scheduled or Total amount. The cost used is selected from the Options menu above the grid. Requires View Cost permission |
Amount | Numeric | The total line income amount calculated by Acctivate. |
Tax | Checkbox / List | In US editions, if there is only one taxable and one non-taxable tax code then a checkmark will be displayed for taxable lines. If more than one taxable or non-taxable tax code exists then a tax code list will be displayed. In VAT editions, the tax code list will always be displayed. The tax code determines if tax will be charged on this sales order line. |
Detail Tab
While on a sales order detail line, a Detail tab will appear in the footer of the sales order window. This footer contains read-only information such as the Product image, Product ID, Primary UPC, Primary Alt Product ID, Customer Product ID, Description.
Buttons and Links will also appear for the following information:
- Components: The Components button can be used to view/edit Kit or Assortment components.
- Substitutions: The Substitution button allows for quickly substituting the current order line product for another product.
- Drop Ship or Special Order PO links: Open the related Drop Ship or Special Order PO created for this line.
- Assembly transactions link: Open the associated assembly session created for this line.
Lot/Serial #'s tab
If a Product has a Control Type of Lot Numbered, Serial Numbered or Numbered When Invoiced, the Lot/Serial #'s tab will appear in the footer of the Sales Order.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Lot/Serial | Text/List / 40 Characters | If a Lot or Serial Numbered Product, the drop-down list will display all available lot/serial numbers. Lot/serial numbers are sorted in the list by expiration date, then alphanumerically. If the product is Numbered When Invoiced, the field is a text field which allows you to enter the lot/serial number which you are selling. Alternatively, you can use the Generate #'s button to automatically generate serial numbers for a Number When Invoiced product. See Generate #'s below |
Qty | Numeric | The quantity in stocking units. |
Weight | Numeric | If the product is Catch Weight Priced, you will be able to enter the weight of this lot/serial number which will be used for determining the sales order line amount. |
Location | List |
Exp Date | Date | This displays the lot/serial number's expiration date. If the product Control Type is Number When Invoiced, you can enter the expiration date, otherwise this field is not editable. Shows in the grid if the Lot/Serial number is Numbered When Invoiced; otherwise, use the Edit Lot/Serial button to edit this information. |
Reference | Text / 50 Characters | This displays the lot/serial number's Reference text. If the product's Control Type is Number When Invoiced, you can enter text in this field, otherwise this field is not editable. Shows in the grid if the Lot/Serial number is Numbered When Invoiced; otherwise, use the Edit Lot/Serial button to edit this information. |
Specification | Text / 8000 Characters | This displays the lot/serial number's Specification text. If the product's Control Type is Number When Invoiced, you can enter text in this field, otherwise this field is not editable. Shows in the grid if the Lot/Serial number is Numbered When Invoiced; otherwise, use the Edit Lot/Serial button to edit this information. |
Generate #'s window
For products which are Numbered When Invoiced, you can type in a lot/serial number, or you can use the Generate #s button in the Lot #s footer tab to generate sequential numbers.
First, click on the sales order row which contains the Number When Invoiced product, then in the Lot #s tab, click the Generate #s button. The Generate Serial Numbers window will open.
Fill out the required fields below, plus any optional fields, and click Generate.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Quantity | Numeric | Required. The number of serial numbers to be generated. It should not exceed the Remaining serial quantity for the line. |
Prefix | Text / (the length of Prefix, Numbers, and Suffix cannot exceed 40 characters) | Optional. A prefix can be assigned to each serial number generated. |
Numbers | Numeric (the length of Prefix, Numbers, and Suffix cannot exceed 40 characters) | Required. Enter the starting number in the first field. The second field will populate with the ending number based on the Quantity field. E.g., if your Quantity is 3 and the starting number is 100, the ending number will auto fill with 102 (the numbers generated would be 100, 101, 102). |
Suffix | Text (the length of Prefix, Numbers, and Suffix cannot exceed 40 characters) | Optional. A suffix can be assigned to each serial number generated. |
Reference | Text / 50 Characters | Optional. A reference can be assigned to each serial number generated. |
Expiration Date | Date | Optional. An expiration date can be assigned to each serial number generated. |
Specification | Text / 8000 Characters | Optional. A specification can be assigned to each serial number generated. |
Custom Fields tab
If custom fields exist for order details, the available custom fields will be displayed here.
Alternatively, you can add custom detail fields into the sales order grid using the Options menu above the upper right of the grid.
Order Instructions
The Enter Sales Order's Order Instructions tab includes sales order instructions.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Comment | Text/List / 101 Characters | Comments will print on customer facing sales order forms. Pre-defined comments can be setup in the Sales Order section of the Configuration Manager for selection, or you can type in your own comment per order. |
Special Instructions | Text | Special Instructions are internal order instructions which do not print on any customer facing forms. |
Shipping Instructions | Text | Shipping Instructions can be used to record information about how the order is to be shipped. Prints on all forms except the Invoice. |
Order Totals
The order totals display in the bottom right.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Subtotal | Numeric | The sum of all line amounts. Read-only. |
Discount | Numeric | The discount field can be used to give a discount off of the order subtotal. The number entered into the discount field will be interpreted as either a dollar amount discount or percentage amount discount based on the Discount type configuration in the Sales Order Options section of the Configuration Manager, however you can easily enter either type of discount by entering a $ symbol before the number entered or a % symbol after the number entered. Discounts will sync to the income amount defined in the Branch section of the Configuration Manager. |
Tax | List | The Tax field will default to the Tax Category assigned to the customer's Ship To address in the Edit Customer window. Use the drop down list or begin typing to find a matching Tax Category. If, when typing, a match is not found then the list will be displayed so a selection can be made. See the note below on tax rounding. |
QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online round Sales Tax Groups differently, therefore an Acctivate company will round taxes based on the version of QuickBooks it is integrated with.
QuickBooks Desktop calculates tax by multiplying each Sales Tax Item's rate by the subtotal and then rounding the amount for the Tax Item. Then, each Tax Item's amount is summed to come up with a total tax amount for the Sales Tax Group.
QuickBooks Online calculates the tax by multiplying the Sales Tax Group's rate by the subtotal and then rounds for a total tax amount. Then, each Tax Item's tax amount is calculate (using the QuickBooks Desktop method above). If there is any discrepancy between the Sales Tax Group amount and the sum of the Sales Tax Item amounts, the discrepancy will be allocated to the largest Sales Tax Item's amount. When syncing invoices to QuickBooks Online, Acctivate will pass the tax item and computed tax amount so that QuickBooks Online doesn't need to recompute the tax.
In VAT companies, Acctivate calculates tax the same way as QuickBooks Online; the tax rate is applied to each line and rounded to two decimals to arrive at a tax amount for the line. Then, the tax amounts for all lines are summed together to generate a total tax amount for the sales order.
The Shipping tab displays the shipping information from the Detail tab as well as some additional shipping related fields.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Shipping Address | Text / Up to 5 lines, 41 Characters per line | The Location field at the top of the Enter Sales Order window will determine which shipping address is displayed. You can change the Location field or manually overwrite the Shipping Address field. |
Ship Attn | Text / 50 | The ship attention for this sales order. Will default based on the ship to Location, but can be overridden. |
Ship Via | List | Ship Via to be used for the sales order. |
Service | List | Display's the Carrier and Carrier Service to be used for shipping. The Ship Via can be configured to set a default Service. |
Route | List | An order can be assigned to a delivery route. Routes are configured in the Sales Order section of the Configuration Manager. This field will default to the Route assigned to the customer's ship to Location in the Edit Customer window. |
Stop | Numeric | The stop number indicates which stop on the route this order will be. For example, 4 would indicate this order will be the fourth stop on the route selected. This field will default to the Stop assigned to the customer's ship to Location in the Edit Customer window. |
FOB | Text / 25 Characters | The FOB ("free on board") will default to the FOB default in the Order Options section of the Configuration Manager. It can be overwritten. |
Requested | Date | The Requested Ship date represents the date the customer is requested the Sales Order to be shipped. Defaults based on the "Days to Ship" number defined in the Order Options section of the Configuration Manager. |
Promised | Date | The Promised date is the date you promise the customer the order will ship by. If the Promised date is provided, Acctivate will use this date to determine how many days left (displayed at the top of the Shipping tab) until this order is due to ship. |
Not Before | Date | This field can be used to indicate the earliest an order can be shipped. |
Not After | Date | This field can be used to indicate the latest an order can be shipped. |
Location Note | Text | This field is not editable in the Enter Sales Order window. This displays the saved note in the Misc tab of the Ship to Location in the Edit Customer window. |
The Customer tab displays customer related information including the credit status of this order.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Billing Address | Text / Up to 5 lines, 41 Characters per line | The Billing Address comes from the Billing Address field in the Edit Customer window. This field can be manually overridden. |
Contract | List | A contract is a pricing mechanism that can be setup on the Prices tab of the Edit Customer window. Contracts can be used to affect product pricing or to default header information such as invoice discounts and terms codes. |
Mktg Code | List | The Marketing Code is used to track which marketing efforts brought in this Sales Order. Marketing codes can be defined in the Sales Order section of the Configuration Manager. A customer can be assigned a default Marketing Code in the Sales tab of the Edit Customer window. If a customer is assigned a Marketing Code, all their orders will default to that marketing code, but can be overridden as necessary. |
Code | List | The Tax Code field displays the tax code for the sales order. The tax code will default based on the tax code assigned to the customer on the Customer tab of the Edit Customer window. If a non-taxable tax code is selected, no tax will be charged on the sales order. If a taxable tax code is selected, tax will be charged on the taxable order lines at the rate determined by the Tax Category. |
The Payment tab allows you to save payment information with this order. Payments saved here will not sync to QuickBooks until the invoice has been created and synchronized. At that time, the payment and invoice will sync to QuickBooks applied to each other.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Amount | Numeric | The amount to be paid. |
Terms | List | Required. Defaults to the customer's terms code if one is assigned (Credit tab of the Edit Customer window). The list includes all Terms Codes setup in QuickBooks. |
Payment Method | List | The Payment Method field displays the Payment Method list from QuickBooks. Use the Preferred payment method button to select the customer's preferred payment method, if one exists. If the payment method is configured as a Credit Card and the customer has credit card information saved, you can use the Use Saved Card button to populate the credit card fields. |
Number | Text / 19 Characters | The payment reference number or credit card number. |
Expiration | Numeric | Only visible if the selected payment method is a credit card. Formatted as MM/YY. |
Security Code | Numeric | The card security code (CSC), such as CVC2, CVV2 or CID. This number is not stored in the database. A card security code can be entered while editing the order, allowing you to authorize a credit card amount while in edit mode. Once the order is saved, the Security Code field will be cleared. Only visible if the selected payment method is a credit card. |
Name on card | Text / 41 Characters (50 for QuickBooks Online) | The name of the card holder. Only visible if the selected payment method is a credit card. |
Address | Text / 41 Characters | The street address of the card holder. Only visible if the selected payment method is a credit card. |
ZIP Code | Numeric / 5 Characters | The billing ZIP Code of the card holder. Only visible if the selected payment method is a credit card. |
The EDI tab displays 850 EDI data that is stored by Acctivate and in some cases returned on other EDI transactions related to this sales order.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
850 Import Date | Date Time | The date and time the 850 EDI transaction file was imported in. |
Department # | Text / 5 Characters | From H row, position 29 of the 850 transaction file. Stored for reference, not used by Acctivate. |
Product Group | Text / 255 Characters | From H row, position 28 of the 850 transaction file. Stored for reference, not used by Acctivate. |
Mark for | Text / 255 Characters | "Mark for Code" rom H row, position 30 of the 850 transaction file. Stored for reference, not used by Acctivate. Different than the "Mark for Store" number found on the Additional Info tab. |
Cancel Date | Date | From H row, position 31 of the 850 transaction file. Stored for reference, not used by Acctivate. |
Merchandise | Text / 255 Characters | "Merchandise Type Code" from H row, position 42 of the 850 transaction file. Stored for reference, not used by Acctivate. |
Allowance 1 | Amount | Allowance Amount 1 from H row, position 35 of the 850 transaction file. Accumulated with other allowances for Sales Order Discount. |
Allowance 2 | Amount | Allowance Amount 3 from H row, position 37 of the 850 transaction file. Accumulated with other allowances for Sales Order Discount. |
Allowance 3 | Amount | Allowance Amount 3 from H row, position 39 of the 850 transaction file. Accumulated with other allowances for Sales Order Discount. |
Additional Info
The Additional Info tab can be used to store additional reference information. Sales Order Custom Fields are displayed here.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Web Order # | Text / 40 Characters | The Web Order Number will store the web store order number for orders imported in from a Web Store. The web order number will be used to match order tracking information back to the web store and should not be deleted. |
EDI Store # | Text / 41 Characters | A read only field which displays the "Mark For Store" location ID of a sales order created via an 850 EDI Transaction. |
Class | List | The QuickBooks Class to be assigned to the Invoice Header. This will default based on the QuickBooks Class Tracking configuration in the Sales / COGS section of the Configuration Manager. |
Salesperson | List | The salesperson associated with the sales order. The salesperson will be linked to the invoice for this sales order. If the customer has a salesperson assigned to them on the Customer tab of the Edit Customer window, it will default here. |
Ref 2 | Text / 30 characters | The Reference 2 field is an additional reference field that can be used. A default Reference 2 can be defined in the Reference 2 field in the Customer tab of the Edit Customer window. |
Job | Text / 20 characters | The Job field is an additional reference field that can be used. |
If using Picklists, the created Picklists will show here. The left pane will show each Picklist created, while the right pane shows the Picklist details for the Picklist selected. You can record the picked quantity and perform Picklist Actions such as printing the Picklist or completing the Picklist.
Left Pane The left pane includes the list of Picklists associated with this Sales Order.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
ID | Numeric | The unique Picklist ID. |
Description | Text | The Picklist description displays the list of sales orders that make up the Picklist. |
W/H | Text | A Picklist can only include items from a single warehouse. The W/H field displays which warehouse this Picklist is for. |
Picklist Details
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Line Number | Numeric | The first column is the Picklist line number. |
Product ID | Text | The product to be picked. |
Description | Text | The description of the product to be picked. |
Qty | Numeric | The quantity to be picked in stocking units. Based on the scheduled quantity from the sales order. |
Unit | Text | The stocking unit for the product. |
Picked | Numeric | The quantity picked. If the Picked in Full option is enabled then the Picked quantity will match the Qty (to pick) field. If the option is not enabled, you must enter the quantity picked. |
Location | List | If using locations and no warehouse location is defined on the sales order line, Acctivate will automatically set the location in the Picklist based on the most efficient picking sequence based on the Warehouse Layout. If a warehouse location is set on the sale order line, the Picklist will use that location. |
Product Info and Lot/Serial #'s
If a product has a Control Type of Lot Numbered, Serial Numbered or Numbered When Invoiced, the lower portion of the Picklist will include a grid for entering the lot or serial numbers to be picked. You can use teh Generate Serial #s button at the top to generate serial numbers for Numbered When Invoiced products or you can type in the lot or serial number.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Lot/Serial | List | The lot or serial number picked. |
Qty | Numeric | The quantity of the lot/serial number picked. |
The Invoices tab displays all invoices created from this sales order. From this tab, you can Print an invoice, Email an invoice, Void an invoice and View the invoice transaction. This information is read only, any corrections that need to be made to the sales order or sales invoice require voiding the invoice and recreating it with the correct data.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Invoice | Text / 40 Characters | The invoice number. |
Date | Date | The invoice date. |
Discount | Numeric | The invoice discount amount taken off of this invoice. |
Sales Tax | Numeric | The amount of sales tax included on this invoice. |
Shipping | Numeric | The amount of shipping charges included on this invoice. |
Total | Numeric | The total invoice amount. Does not include payments. |
Delivered | Text / 50 Characters | Displays the text entered in the "Delivered To" field of the Create Invoice window. |
By | Text / 50 Characters | Displays the text entered in the "Shipped By" field of the Create Invoice window. |
Delivery | Date | Displays the "Shipped" date from the Create Invoice window. |
Tracking Number | Text / 50 Characters | Displays the first Tracking Number associated with this invoice. See the Packages tab for all tracking information related to this order. Note: QuickBooks Online only allows tracking numbers up to 31 characters. If the tracking number entered here is longer than 31 characters then only the first 31 characters will sent to QuickBooks Online. |
The Notes tab allows saving Sales Order specific notes. These notes can be used to document something or a note can be assigned to a user for follow-up. You can also add a Note to a Sales Order by opening the Sales list in the left menu, locating the sales order and clicking +Create...→ Note.
The Activities tab of the Enter Sales Order window displays all the Business Activities which have this sales order as a "Related Item". Use the "Look for" search box to search the list of related Business Activities. This data is read only and cannot be edited from this window. To edit the Business Activity, double click the Activity ID to open the Business Activity.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Activity ID | Text / 40 Characters | The Business Activity ID which has this sales order as a related item. |
Priority | List | The Priority of the business activity. |
Opened | Date | The date the business activity was created. |
Status | List | The current Status of the business activity. A completed business activity will have an "X" in the far-left column. |
Description | Text / 255 Characters | The description of the business activity, used to summarize the activity. |
Type | List | The Type of the business activity. |
Code | List | The current Code for the business activity. |
Due | Date | The due date of the business activity. |
Promised | Date | The date the business activity is promised to be completed. |
Closed | Date | The date the business activity was set to a completed Status. |
Assigned To | List | The Acctivate user that the activity is assigned to. |
Contact | Text / 120 Characters | The Name from the Contact section of the Activity. |
Phone | Text / 50 Characters | The Phone from the Contact section of the Activity. |
The Packages tab displays all package shipment related to this Sales Order. If the carrier is configured to link to their tracking URL in Carrier section of the Configuration Manager, you can use the Track Package button to access the carrier's tracking web site. The data on the packages tab is not editable, it's for reference information only.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Date | Date | The Shipment Date. |
Carrier | Text / 25 Characters | The Carrier used to ship this package. |
Service | Text / 25 Characters | The carrier's Service used to ship this package. |
Tracking Number | Text / 50 Characters | The carrier's tracking number for this package. |
Invoice | Text / 40 Characters | The Acctivate invoice that includes this tracking number. |
Weight | Numeric | The weight of the package. |
Collect | Checkbox | If the Carrier Billing Option returned from the integrated shipping software is configured to not include the charges on the invoice, this checkbox will be checked. If unchecked, the shipping charges from the integrated shipping software will be added to the invoice. See the Carrier Billing Option section of the Configuration Manager. |
Charge | Numeric | The shipping charge. The charges and handling will be added together for a total shipping charge when invoiced unless the shipment is a collect shipment. |
Handling | Numeric | The cost of handling. |
Insured | Checkbox | If checked, the shipment is insured. |
Value | Numeric | The declared value for the shipment. |
COD | Numeric | The COD amount. |
Comment | Text / 50 Characters | A comment written back from the integrated shipping software. |
The Email tab of the Enter Sales Order will show all emails sent from this sales order.
Editing a Sales Order
There are two ways to edit an existing sales order in Acctivate:
- Start in the Sales list found in the left menu.
- In the left menu of Acctivate, click on Sales to open the Sales list.
- Search for the sales order you want to edit.
- Click the Edit button.
- The Enter Sales Order window will open in edit mode allowing you to edit data.
- Start in the Enter Sales Order window.
- Select Enter Sales Order from the Sales menu at the top of Acctivate.
- The Edit Sales Order window will appear, type in the sales order # or use the magnifying glass lookup to lookup and select your order.
- Click Edit.
- You will be able to edit the sales order data.
Sales Order Acknowledgement
After a Sales Order has been entered, you have the option to print a sales order or email it to a customer. The Sales Order document is used to communicate to your customers the products, prices and shipment information related to their order. The Sales Order document will include the customer's sales order number that they can reference if they have follow up inquiries.
The Sales Order document displays the entire ordered quantity and order total. It does not display backorder information. This document can be generated at any time during the sales order process from either the Enter Sales Order window, Sales list or Sales Order Manager.
Print or Email from the Enter Sales Order Window
In the Enter Sales Order window, click the Printer Icon to print the Sales Order document. Alternatively, click the downward arrow next to the printer icon and choose Email Order to open the email window with the Sales Order document attached as a PDF.Print or Email from the Sales list
Open the Sales list from the left menu and locate the sales order you would like to print or email. Click the Print icon to print the Sales Order document or click Email to open the email window with the sales order document attached as a PDF.Print or Email from the Sales Order Manager Window
The Sales Order Manager window allows you to print or email a single sales order document, or you can print/email a batch of sales orders at once. Sales orders which have not had their Sales Order document printed yet will appear in the Ready to Acknowledge button of the Sales Order Bar.- Open the Sales Order Manager
- Use the View menu to select the Sales Orders bar.
- Click on the Ready to Acknowledge button to view the list of orders awaiting acknowledgement.
- Check off one or more orders to print or email.
- Use the Action... menu to select either Print Sales Orders or Email Sales Orders.
A Sales Order must have a Contact Email Address in order to send an email. If emailing more than one sales order at once, all the emails must use the same email message template.
Once you've printed or emailed a sales order, whether from the Enter Sales Order window, Sales list or Sales Order Manager window, the order will no longer appear in the "Ready to Acknowledge" button of the Sales Order Manager.
Schedule or Book a Sales Order
A sales order can either be Scheduled or Booked. A default Order Status can be defined in the Order Options section of the Configuration Manager.
Booked Status
In some cases, you may have a sales order that has made it past the sales quote stage and been confirmed by the customer, however you are not ready to allocate inventory to the sales order. In that case, you can set the Status of a sales order to Booked. If your default Order Status in the Order Processing Options section of the Configuration Manager is set to Booked, new orders will default to a Booked status, in which case you only need to change it to Scheduled when ready to begin processing the sales order. If your default Order Status is set to Scheduled, you can change the Status by using the Action... menu and selecting the Unschedule (Book Order) option in either the Enter Sales Order window or the Sales Order Manager.
You may want to use a Booked order status if the Requested Ship date for the order is much farther in the future than typical and you want to keep available inventory free for other orders which are Scheduled and need to ship sooner. As you approach the Requested Ship Date you can Schedule the sales order, just remember to leave enough time to purchase or assemble your products so that you can ship on time.
Scheduled Status
When a Sales Order is Scheduled, Acctivate will allocate as much available inventory as possible to it. The quantity of inventory that is able to be allocated to the Scheduled sales order will be displayed in the Sched field of the sales order detail grid. A sales order must be Scheduled in order to process it (pick, pack, ship, invoice). If you have a Booked Order, click the Schedule Order button at the top of the Enter Sales Order window or use the Schedule Order option in the Action... menu of the Sales Order Manager to convert it to a Scheduled order.
Approve Credit
If a credit restriction is in place for a customer or if invoicing the sales order will result in the customer's credit limit being exceeded, the sales order will need approval in order to release the credit restriction and allow processing of the sales order. View the Credit Evaluation configuration options for more information.
When viewing a sales order in the Enter Sales Order window, Order On Hold will be prominently displayed in red text in the upper right hand corner of the window. Additionally, the Next Suggested Action button for a sales order will display Approve Credit.
To approve the Sales Order:
- Click the Approve Credit button at the top of the Enter Sales Order window.
- The Released by will default to your user if your user has permissions to release credit holds; simply click Release. If your user does not have permissions to release credit holds, then a user with permissions must be selected from the Released By list and that user will be required enter their Acctivate password and click Release.
On the Customer tab of the sales order, you can see who approved the credit and when it was approved. Additionally, you can click the Remove Approval button on the Customer tab to revoke the credit approval.
Sales order picking is a crucial step for processing orders and managing inventory. The picking process starts with creating the pick document. There are three primary methods of picking in Acctivate, using Pick Tickets, using Picklist, and using Mobile Picking.
Pick Ticket
The Pick Ticket is a picking document printed per sales order and includes the products to be picked, listed in the sequence the product are list on the sales order. If the picked quantities are different than the Pick Ticket, the Sched quantity of the sales order must be updated to reflect what was picked.
The Picklist is a non-posting picking transaction with its own document. A picklist can be created for a single order or a picklist can be created for multiple orders. A picklist will sequence the products and assign the warehouse location to pick from based on the most efficient picking route. The picked quantities are recorded in the Picklist window and the picklist is marked as completed once the pick process is finished.
Mobile Picking
A sales order or picklist can be picked using Acctivate Mobile Warehouse Management Software (WMS). With mobile picking, a paper document is not required. When picking an individual sales order or a picklist, the picked quantity can be recorded on the mobile device during the pick. Product barcodes can be scanned to increment the pick quantity, or you can use the mobile device's interface to enter the picked quantity.
Pick Ticket
A Pick Ticket can be printed or emailed from the Enter Sales Order window or the Sales Order Manager window. Typically, you would look for orders that have a Ready to Pick workflow status.
Print / Email a Pick Ticket from the Enter Sales Order window
In the Enter Sales Order window, the Next Suggested Action button will display Pick Ticket if a Pick Ticket hasn't been created yet.
To print a Pick Ticket from the Enter Sales Order window:
- Open the Enter Sales Order window.
- Click the Pick Ticket action button at the top of the Enter Sales Order window.
- The Pick Ticket will preview for you to print out.
To email a Pick Ticket from the Enter Sales Order window:
- Open the Enter Sales Order window.
- Go to Action → Email Pick Ticket
Print / Email a Pick Ticket from the Sales Order Manager window
You can print or email Pick Tickets for multiple sales orders at the same time by using the Sales Order Manager.
- Open the Sales Order Manager window.
- Click on View… → Workflow Statuses
- Click on the Ready to Pick button.
- Check off one or more sales orders.
- Click Action… → Print Sales Pick Tickets or Action… → Email Sales Pick Tickets.
Whether you print or email the Pick Ticket from the Enter Order window or Sales Order Manager window, the sales order workflow status will change to the status associated with the Pick Ticket Printed configuration option defined in the Order Processing Options section of the Configuration Manager. Typically, this is Pick in Progress.
When emailing a Pick Ticket, the To email address will be the email address of the Branch associated with the sales order.
The use of picklists requires the Multiple Location module and enabling Picklists.
Create a Picklist
In the Enter Sales Order window, the Next Suggested Action button will display Create Picklists if there are products on the order that need to be picked which are not already on a picklist.
To create a Picklist from a Sales Order:
- Open the Enter Sales Order window.
- Click the Create Picklists action button at the top of the Enter Sales Order window.
- You will be asked if you'd like to Open picklist?, click Yes or No.
To create a Picklist from the Sales Order Manager:
- Open the Sales Order Manager window.
- Click on View… → Workflow Statuses
- Click on the Ready to Pick button.
- Check off one or more Sales Orders.
- Click Action… → Create Picklists.
When a picklist is created, the associated sales order goes into a workflow status of Pick Pending.
Print a Picklist
A picklist can be printed from the Enter Sales Order window or the Picklists window.
To print a Picklist from a Sales Order:
- Open the Enter Sales Order window.
- Click on the Picklists tab.
- In the left pane, select the picklist (if more than one) by clicking on it and then click the Print Picklist button.
To print a Picklist from the Picklist window:
- Open the Picklist window from the Sales menu at the top of Acctivate.
- Lookup and select your picklist. Picklists which haven't been printed will have a picklist status of Ready to Pick (picklists statuses are different from sales order workflow statuses).
- Click on the Print Picklist button.
Once you've printed a picklist, the associated sales order's workflow status will change to Pick in Progress and the picklist status will change to In Progress. The Picklist document will display the To Pick quantity (the scheduled quantity from the sales order) and the Location to pick from. An arbitrary Order ID is listed next to each row to indicate which products belong to the same order. An Order ID key is included at the end of the Picklist.
In some cases, one user may be responsible for printing out Picklists and assigning the pick to others.
When printing a Picklist from the Desktop version of Acctivate, the Picklist will change to an "In Progress" status. If you plan on using a workflow where one user prints Picklists for another user to pick using mobile, the following should be noted:
- If another user opens Picklist picking on Acctivate Android, they will not see this Picklist unless they change the Picklist filter to "In progress (By Any User)" since it's considered in progress by the user who printed it. Another user may open that Picklist and take over as the picker.
- If, after printing the picklist, the user changes the workflow status of the Picklist back to Ready to Pick in the Desktop version of Acctivate, then any user will see the Picklist on Acctivate mobile as available to pick.
Update and Complete a Picklist
While the picklist will auto assign locations, you may need to change a location, split a line's quantity between locations, or delete a split line.
To change a Picklist location:
- Click Edit in the Picklist window.
- Click the Location drop down to view and select a location the product is stocked in.
You can also type in a location that exists, even if the product isn't stocked in it. Picking from a location the product is not stocked in will result in the location having negative inventory.
To split a Picklist line into different locations:
In some cases the picklist may direct you to pick a quantity from one location, e.g., 100 from location A01A, however you want to override this and pick 40 from A01A and 60 from BO2B. Use the Split line function to split a line into multiple lines.- Click Edit in the Picklist window.
- Find the line which you need to split into a different location. First, update the Picked field with the quantity that you were able to pick from this location.
- Next, right click anywhere on the line and choose Split from the menu.
- A new line for the quantity that needs to be picked will be made. Select the location for this line and enter the quantity picked.
- If necessary, split the line again.
To delete a split Picklist line:
After a line has been split you may want to delete the newly split line. Use the Delete line function to remove these lines. Note, you can only delete lines that were created by using the Split function.- Click Edit in the Picklist window.
- Find the line which was created from the Split function.
- Right click anywhere on the line and choose Delete from the menu.
- The Delete Picklist Detail window will popup asking which line the quantity should be added back into. If the original line had been split multiple times you can will be able to choose to add the quantity back any one of the lines.
Once the products have been picked, the picklist can be updated to reflect the picked quantities and then be marked as completed. If the Picked in Full Picklist configuration option is enabled, the Picked quantities will default to the scheduled quantities. If enabled, you only need to change the Picked quantities if they differ from the intended To Pick quantities. If the option is disabled, you will need to record the Picked quantity for each row.
To complete a Picklist from the Enter Sales Order window:
- Open the Enter Sales Order window.
- Click on the Picklists tab.
- Enter the Picked quantities, if necessary.
- Click the Picking Completed button.
To complete a Picklist from the Picklist window:
- Open the Picklist window from the Sales menu at the top of Acctivate.
- Lookup and select your picklist; picklists which have been printed will have a picklist status of In Progress.
- Enter the Picked quantities, if necessary.
- Click the Picking Completed button.
After completing a picklist, both the associated sales orders and picklist will have a workflow status of Picked.
Cancel a Picklist
If you need to cancel a picklist, perform the following steps.
To cancel a Picklist from the Enter Sales Order window:
- Open the Enter Sales Order window.
- Click on the Picklists tab.
- Click Action... → Cancel Picklist
- Confirm you want to cancel the picklist.
To cancel a Picklist from the Picklist window:
- Open the Picklist window from the Sales menu at the top of Acctivate.
- Lookup and select your picklist
- Click Action... → Cancel Picklist
- Confirm you want to cancel the picklist.
Once a picklist is canceled, the picklist status will change to Cancelled. Any sales orders on the picklist will get updated to have a sales order workflow status of Pick on Hold. A picklist cannot be reopened once canceled, however you can create a new picklist for the sales orders.
Mobile Picking
Acctivate Mobile WMS can be used to Pick Sales Orders and Picklists.
Packing Orders
After picking a sales order, the next step is to package the order for shipment. A Pack List document can be generated for the sales order which lists the products that are included in the shipment. This document can be printed from either the Enter Sales Order window or the Sales Order Manager. Alternatively, a shipment can be packed into cartons in Acctivate using the Packaging Manager module. The Packaging Manager module is typically used to generate 856 Advanced Shipment Notice EDI transaction files.
Order Packlist
Print / Email a Pack List from the Enter Sales Order Window
In the Enter Sales Order window, the Next Suggested Action button will display Pack List.
To print a Pack List from a Sales Order:
- Open the Enter Sales Order window.
- Click the Pack List action button at the top of the Enter Sales Order window. Alternatively, use the Action... → Print → Pack List menu option.
- The Pack List will preview for you to print out.
To email a Pack List from a Sales Order:
- Open the Enter Sales Order window.
- Go to Action → Email → Pack List
Print / Email a Pack List from the Sales Order Manager Window
You can print or email Pack Lists for multiple sales orders at the same time by using the Sales Order Manager.
- Open the Sales Order Manager window.
- Click on View… → Workflow Statuses.
- Click on the Picked button.
- Check off one or more Sales Orders.
- Click Action… → Print Sales Pack List → Print Pack List or Action… → Email Sales Pack List → Email Pack List
When emailing a Pack List, the To email address will be the email address of the Branch associated with the sales order.
For some, the Pick Ticket may also serve as a Pack List, while others may wish to print a separate Pack List document for the shipment. If the former is the case, then you can disable the Show Print Pack List button in the Configuration Manager so that the next action button on a sales order doesn’t prompt you to print the Pack List.
Print Shipping Labels
Shipping address labels can be printed for sales orders. This ensures that the shipping address entered in the sales order is used as the ship to address of the package.
To print/email a Shipping Label from a Sales Order:
- Open the Enter Sales Order window.
- Use the Action... menu to select Print → Shipping Labels or Email → Shipping Labels.
To print/email a Shipping Label from the Sales Order Manager:
- Open the Sales Order Manager window.
- Click on View… → Workflow Statuses, or choose the appropriate bar.
- Click on the Picked button, or the appropriate button.
- Use the Action... menu to select Print Sales Pack List → Print Shipping Labels or Email Sales Pack List → Email Shipping Labels.
Packing Shipments
If using Packaging Manager, you can place products into cartons within the Packaging Manager module. This creates the necessary details to generate an 856 EDI Transaction file.
Create a Shipment
The first step is to create the shipment. This can be done in various ways:
- Create a shipment from the Enter Sales Order Window
If licensed for Packaging Manager and the Show Package Shipment button is enabled, the Next Suggested Action button at the top of the Sales Order will display Package Shipments- Open the Enter Sales Order window.
- Click the Package Shipments action button at the top of the Enter Sales Order window. Alternatively, use the Action... → Package Shipments menu option.
- The Package Shipments window will appear.
When creating shipments from the Enter Sales Order window, Acctivate will first check to see if an open shipment already exist. If so, that shipment will be opened. If no open shipment exists, a new shipment will be created.
Create shipments from the Sales Order Manager Window
- Open the Sales Order Manager window.
- Click on View… → Workflow Statuses
- Click on the Picked button (or the button containing the orders you wish to package).
- Check off one or more sales orders.
- Click Action…→ Create Shipments
- Orders will be consolidated if possible (orders for the same customer and ship to location will be combined into a single shipment). Review the orders in the Create Shipments window that appears and click Create Shipments.
- The Shipments will be created. Go to Packaging → Package Shipments to lookup and open the shipment.
Create Shipments from a Picklist
- Open the Picklist window and lookup a Picklist or open the Enter Sales Order and click on the Picklists tab.
- Click the Package Shipments at the top of a picked picklist.
- The Package Shipments window will appear.
Package a Shipment
Once a shipment is created, the next step is to package the products into "cartons". A shipment can be opened from the Packaging → Package Shipments menu at the top of Acctivate.
EDI Partner Auto Pack
When an EDI trading partner is setup, the trading partner can be configured to have an Auto Packaging option enabled. When enabled, shipments created for a trading partner will automatically package the products into cartons based on the Product's packaging unit and the shipment will have a status of Packaged.Package Shipment Button
In the Packaging Manager window, there is a Package Shipment button which allows you to choose from a different packaging options. If any of these options are used, the shipment status will update to Packaged.- By Product Packaging Unit
When this is selected, the products will be packaged into cartons based on the Product's packaging unit. The Additional Unit Handling options apply to the quantities that are left over after each carton has been packaged with the max quantity possible (in the stocking unit). To explain the Additional Unit Handling options, consider the following example: A customer order 14 Eaches of "Widget". The Package Unit for "Widget" is Case; there are 6 Eaches per Case.- One Carton
With the One Carton option enabled, cartons would be packaged with up to 6 each and then the remainder would go into a single carton. Three total cartons would be created: 6 Ea + 6 Ea + 2 ea = 14 Ea. - Even Distribution
With the Even Distribution option enabled, Acctivate will determine the minimum number of cartons required and then evenly distribute the product quantities. A minimum of three cartons would be needed in our example, resulting in a distribution of 5 Ea + 5 Ea + 4 Ea = 14 Ea. - Stocking Unit
With the Stocking Unit option enabled, cartons would be packaged with up to 6 each and then each remaining stocking unit would go into their own carton. 6 Ea + 6 Ea + 1 Ea + 1 Ea = 14 Ea.
- One Carton
- By Store Location
The "Store Location" refers the Mark for Store value that can be included with an 850 EDI Transaction file. EDI Trading Partners may submit 850 EDI Purchase Orders with a common ship to address, such as a distribution center, but each sales order may have a different final destination (store). Packaging a shipment by the store location allows the shipment to be delivered to a single location, such as the distribution center, where the cartons can then be sorted and routed to their different stores. When this option is selected, products that are destined for the same "store" will be packaged together in a single carton. - One Carton
When this option is selected the entire quantity is packaged into a single carton.
- By Product Packaging Unit
Package products one at a time
You can add products to a carton by dragging and dropping the product into the Carton portion of the window or scan the product's barcode.
- Click Edit.
- On the Carton tab, drag the product from the Items to Pack section into the Contents of Carton section.
- Alternatively, you can scan the Product's barcode using a USB scanner configured with a carriage return. Simply place the cursor in the Product text field below the Items to Pack pane and scan a barcode.
- To create a new carton, click the Add button below the Contents of Carton grid.
- Once all the products have been added to cartons, change the Status to Packaged.
When packaging kits, you can choose to package the kit product which implicitly considers it's components also packaged in that carton, or you can package components into different cartons. Once all components of a kit have been packaged, the kit product will be considered packed as well.
However, if a shipment has been created from a Picklist the kit item will not be available to package since only components are picked in a picklist.
When creating a shipment from an order, the quantity that is available to be packaged is the lesser of:
- The scheduled quantity from the sales order
- The difference between sales order's ordered quantity and the quantity already in Created, Packaged, and Shipped shipments.
This ensures that quantities which were invoiced without being packaged are not included when preparing shipments.
Print / Export Shipment
You can print labels or pack lists for a single shipment from the Package Shipments window or for multiple shipments using the Print / Export Shipments window.
Printing or exporting shipments only applies to shipments created in the Packaging Manager
Print from the Packaging Manager window
You can print a Pack List for the entire Shipment or for the carton you are viewing. Likewise, you can print Labels for the entire shipment or for the carton you are viewing. Simply click the downward arrow next to the printer icon in the Package Shipments window to choose. If you choose to print a document for a carton, the carton you are viewing will be the one printed.Print using the Print / Export Shipments window
You can print shipping documents in batch by selecting Print / Export Shipments in the Packaging menu. This window allows you to print new created shipments by selecting the Report ID to print and selecting the EDI Trading Partner (if applicable). Alternatively, you can choose to export the shipments to a .csv file using the Export option. A .csv will be generated with the shipment number, status, and shipment date. Shipments in a Packaged or Shipped status will be included.
Packaging Manager Fields
The Packaging Manager is made up of three tabs that allow for various levels of shipment detail.
Shipment Header Fields
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Shipment | Text / 30 Characters | The unique shipment number assigned to this shipment. |
Customer | Text / 41 Characters | The customer associated with this shipment. Read-only. |
Partner | Text / 15 Characters | The EDI partner associated with the customer on this shipment. Read-only. |
Status | List | The status of the shipment. Certain actions will updated the shipment status, however you can change the status by selecting an option from the list.
By | Text / 3 Characters | The user ID of the user that created the shipment. Read-only. |
Date | Date | The Date the shipment was created. |
Date Shipped | Date | The date the shipment was marked as shipped. |
Time Shipped | Time | The time the shipment was marked as shipped. |
Scheduled Delivery | Date | The scheduled delivery date. Optional, can come from shipping software, otherwise it's supplied by the user. |
Shipment Tab
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Location | Text / 41 characters | The location ID from the customer's sales order(s). |
Address | Text / Up to 5 lines, 41 Characters per line (500 for QuickBooks Online) | The location ID from the customer's sales order(s). You can overwrite the Shipping Address fields by clicking Edit at the top of the Package Shipments window. |
When using the Create Shipments window, multiple sales orders can be consolidated into a single shipment if they have the same customer and ship to location. This grid lists all the orders included in this shipment.
Carrier Tab
The Routing section includes shipment routing information.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Carrier | List | Displays the carrier to be used for shipping. |
Carrier Service | List | Displays the selected carrier's services. |
Transportation Type | List | The transporation type may be required by your EDI Trading Partner. Typical examples include Customer Pickup, Motor (Common Carrier), Rail, and Private Parcel Service. To configure transportation types, contact Acctivate Support. |
Carrier Reference | Text / 30 Characters | The Carrier Reference field allows you to enter the carrier's tracking number for the entire shipment. Often referred to as a PRO number or PRO Tracking number, this number is typically provided for freight shipments. |
Bill of Lading | Text / 30 Characters | The Bill of Lading (BOL) number provided by the carrier can be entered here. |
Routing | Text / 35 Characters | The routing field allows for referencing routing instructions. |
The Quantity and Weight section of the Carrier tab includes package summary information.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Packaging Code | List | The unit/term used to refer to the total packaging units. EDI Trading Partners may require specific packaging codes; to configure shipment packaging codes, contact Acctivate Support. |
Number of Pieces | Numeric | The number of packing units (e.g., total cartons). Automatically calculated based on packaged cartons on the Carton tab. |
Weight | Numeric | The total weight of packaged pieces/cartons. |
The Delivery Contact section of the Carrier tab includes customer contact information from the first order included in the shipment. You can edit the delivery contact information as necessary.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Contact Name | Text / 50 Characters | The customer contact from the first sales order included in the shipment. |
Contact Number | Text / 50 Characters | The customer contact's phone number from the first sales order included in the shipment. |
Carton Tab
The Carton tab gives an interface to package items into cartons. See Package a Shipment for more information.
The Item to Pack pane includes the list of products in the shipment, grouped by sales order. You will see the remaining quantity to pack out of the total scheduled. Packaged items will appear green, unpackaged items will appear blue. Use the Collapse satisfied nodes to collapse the order tree of orders which you've packed. Click Expand all nodes to see all items.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Carton # of # | List | Use the dropdown to quickly jump to a carton. |
Location | Read only text | The Location field displays the Store (Mark for Store) destination location (for shipments created for an EDI Trading Partner). Otherwise, the ship to location from the sales order is displayed. When using the Package By Store Location option, a carton is created for each location. |
Packaging | List | The Packaging unit of the products in the carton. When using the Package by Product Packaging Unit option, a carton will include a single product and the Packaging unit will be the product's Packaging unit. If mixing products in a carton (by drag and dropping or using one of the other packaging options), the Packaging unit will default to the Package unit of the last product added to the carton. EDI trading partners may require certain carton packaging codes; to configure carton packaging codes, contact Acctivate Support. |
Inner Pack | Numeric | The inner pack quantity represents the consumable items packaged together. For example, if you sell boxes of shoes, the inner pack is 2, two shoes (one pair) per box. Required, but used only as reference (by EDI trading partners), and is not evaulated as part of the Package Shipment options. If more than one product in a carton, the inner pack of the last product (from the product's specs tab) added is used. |
Outer Pack | Numeric | The outer pack represents the number of inner packs per carton. Continuing with the inner pack example above, an outer pack of 4 indicates there are four boxes of shoes per carton. Required, but used only as reference (by EDI trading partners), and is not evaulated as part of the Package Shipment options. If more than one product in a carton, the outer pack of the last product (from the product's specs tab) added is used. |
Weight | Numeric | Sum of the weight (from the product's specs tab) of the products packaged. |
Carrier Tracking ID | Text / 50 Characters | The tracking number for the package/carton. Integrated shipping software can write back to this field. |
Package ID | Text / 48 Characters | A unique identifier for the carton/package. When package numbers are properly configured, the Package ID will conform to the Serial Shipping Contain Code (SSCC) specification typically required on the 856 Advanced Ship Notice (ASN) by EDI trading partners. |
Add | button | When clicked, a new carton is added. |
Delete | button | Deletes the selected carton. |
Unpack | button | Click on a row in the Contents of Carton grid to select it, then press Unpack to remove that product from the carton. |
Empty | button | Empties the contents of the current carton but does not delete the carton. |
After packaging, the next step would be to ship the sales order or shipment. Acctivate can be integrated with supported third party shipping platforms allowing the seamless transfer of data. If you are not using shipping software or the software you use is not supported, you can enter shipment information in during the invoice creation.
Due to Acctivate’s integration with QuickBooks as well as it’s potential to be integrated with web shopping carts and shipping software, it’s important that customer addresses in Acctivate are formatted consistently and correctly. It is strongly recommended that custom shipping address formats match the United States Postal Service Postal Addressing Standard. Below is an example of a properly formatted shipping address to a company:
1500 E MAIN AVE STE 201
When formatting address keep these guidelines in mind:
- The first line of the address block should always be the recipient, whether a company name or an individual's name. (Acctivate also utilizes a “Ship Attn” field outside of the address block in the event that you have a company name and a ship to attention name).
- The second line of the address will be the start of the delivery address. It’s preferred that secondary address unit designators (such as APARTMENT or SUITE) should be on this line as well if possible.
- If necessary, a third and fourth Delivery Address Line are available. See last item in this list for more information.
- The last line will always be made up of City, State, Zip. *for international addresses there will be another line that has just the country name.
- If you need to include additional delivery information, such as an email or phone number, place it above the Delivery Address line and under the Recipient line.
- QuickBooks allows a max of 5 lines in an address block. The entire formatted address should not exceed 5 lines.
- It's recommend that states, provinces, and territories are expressed using the 2-letter ISO code. Ex: Texas = "TX", California = "CA".
- International addresses should contain the country by itself in the bottom line. Refer to your carrier's guidelines, however writing the full country name eliminates confusion. Ex: "United States of America", "Canada", "United Kingdom".
While our mappings with shipping software and web stores can be modified, the default mappings are expecting the address to conform with the above guidelines. There are exceptions to the outlined guidelines, such as military addresses, international addresses, and carrier preferences, however following this structure will ensure that information passes accurately between Acctivate and your integrated software.
Shipping a Sales Order
If Acctivate is integrated with one of the supported shipping platforms you are able to pass the Acctivate sales order header information to the shipping software. Once a shipping label is created in the shipping software, the shipment information, such as the tracking number, will be written back to Acctivate. When this happens, the sales order's workflow status will update to Shipped and the shipment information will be visible on the Packages tab of the Enter Sales Order window as well as the Timeline of the Sales Order List. The method to get the Acctivate sales order information into the shipping software will vary per program:- ShipStation:
If the sales order uses a Ship Via that is configured to be sent to ShipStation, the Next Suggested Action button will change to ShipStation when the workflow status is changed to Packaging, whether using the Action... → Change Workflow Status menu in the Edit Order window or by printing the Pack List which updates the workflow status to Packaging. Alternatively, you can use the Action... → Send to Ship Station button to send the order at any time. Clicking the ShipStation button will send the sales order information to ShipStation. You can also select a range of sales orders in the Sales Order Manager and use the Action→ Send to ShipStation option. The ShipStation import sync occurs at the same interval as the Shipping Workstation Sync, however you can trigger it by going to Sales → Shipping Workstation Sync and clicking Sync. Any ShipStation sync errors will also appear in this window. - UPS Worldship:
In the UPS Worldship software, select Import/Export Data→ Keyed Import→ Acctivate Orders (select More...if you do not see it on the list). This will open the Enter import key box. Type in your Acctivate sales order number and then press the TAB key to select the shipping information for your order. - FedEx Ship Manager:
In the FedEx Ship Manager software, select Integration→ Acctivate, then click the Clear Fields button in the lower-left corner of the screen to open the Lookup Value window. Enter the Acctivate order number and click OK. - ShipRush Desktop (legacy):
Launch ShipRush for UPS, FedEx, or Stamps. You'll be given the opportunity to enter in the Acctivate sales order number and click Search or you can click Search without entering any order number and it will show all orders that are available to ship. - ShipRush Web:
Login to ShipRush Web. Enter the Acctivate sales order number in the upper left hand search bar and click the search icon (magnifying glass), or click the search icon without entering any order number and it will show all orders that are available to ship. - Stamps (desktop):
Launch the PC software and click on Orders in the left Pane. You will see a list of Acctivate orders available to ship. - StarShip:
Launch StarShip. On the Shipment Import Setup dialog, select a template and click the Import button.
- ShipStation:
Shipping a Shipment
If Acctivate is integrated with one of the supported shipping platforms you are able to enter or lookup the Acctivate shipment number (from Packaging Manager) in the shipping software. The shipping software will import in the cartons created and the shipping information, including the ship to address. Once the shipping labels are created in the shipping software, the shipment information such as the tracking number will be written back to the Package Shipment window in Acctivate. When this happens, the shipment will update to Shipped. This will also update the sales order window to have a workflow status of Shipped. Shipment information will be visible on the Packages tab of the Enter Sales Order window and the Timeline tab of the Sales list.- UPS Worldship:
In the UPS Worldship software, select Import/Export Data → Keyed Import→ Acctivate Packages (select More...if you do not see it on the list). This will open the Enter import key box. Type in your Acctivate Shipment number and then press the TAB key to select the shipping information for your order. - FedEx Ship Manager:
In the FedEx Ship Manager software, select Integration → Acctivate Packages, then click the Clear Fields button in the lower-left corner of the screen to open the Lookup Value window. Enter the Acctivate Shipment number and click OK.
- UPS Worldship:
Shipping Workstation Sync
The following information is not required knowledge for shipping, however it is included in this documentation in attempt to be comprehensive and informative.
Shipping software that writes information back to Acctivate will write to the tbOrderPackagesText table of the Acctivate database. This table is used as a single-entry point for incoming shipment records. The data fields in this table are all "varchar" (variable character) field types which allows for Acctivate to be more accommodating to the various data formats that different shipping software may use. The values written to this table are then transferred to the proper data type for Acctivate. Refer to the table below for examples.
Data field | Field Type/ Length | Examples |
Text / 50 Characters | Valid Formats:
tbOrderPackagesText.ShipmentDate | Text / 50 Characters | Valid Formats:
tbOrderPackagesText.Weight | Text / 50 Characters | Valid Format:
The processing of shipments, known as Shipping Workstation Sync, involves Acctivate reading the records in tbOrderPackagesText, reformatting them to a consistent format and inserting them into the appropriate shipment tables. Records in tbOrderPackagesText are processed:
- When the Enter Sales Order window is opened.
- When the Sales Order Manager window is opened.
- Every five minutes, as long as at least one user is logged in.
- When clicking the Sync button in the Shipping Workstation Sync window (Sales → Shipping Workstation Sync. The Shipping Workstation Sync menu option is only available when ShipStation is configured.)
The workstation that triggers the Shipping Workstation Sync (e.g., a workstation opening the Sales Order Manager) will have its Windows' (OS) date format used when importing records from tbOrderPackagesText. For that reason, it's important that the workstation's Windows' format is in a month, day, year format.
For example, if the workstation uses a date format of DD/MM/YYYY, 01/15/2021 (January 15th, 2021) would be interpreted as the 01 day of the 15th month of the year 2021; a date that does not exist and therefore is not valid.
Invoicing is the final step in processing a sales order. When you create a sales invoice, Acctivate removes the invoiced quantity from the On Hand quantity and the income, COGS and accounts receivable are calculated. An invoice can be created from a single sales order or for multiple orders through the Sales Order Manager.
Invoice a single Sales Order
- Open the Enter Sales Order window.
- Click Create Invoice.
- In the Create Invoice window, enter in any shipment information, payment information or select an available credit by clicking the Credit button.
- Click Invoice.
Invoice multiple Sales Orders from the Sales Order Manager
- Open the Sales Order Manager window.
- Click on View… → Workflow Statuses
- Click on the Shipped button.
- Check off one or more Sales Orders.
- Click Action... → Create Invoices.
- In the Review window, you can add shipping and payment information.
- Click Create Invoices.
The above example is for shipped orders, but you can use any of the available options to select the orders you are invoicing.
See the Invoice fields for definitions of the sales invoice fields.
If a sales order is invoiced in full, its order and workflow status will update to Completed. If partially invoice, the workflow status will update to Partially Invoiced. The order must be Scheduled in order to process the outstanding products on the sales order.
Invoice Fields
Whether creating a sales invoice from the Enter Sales Order window, the Sales Order Manager or the Create Invoices window, you are presented with various invoice related fields. For more information about recording a payment at the time of invoicing, refer to the Payments documentation.
Invoice Information section
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Date | Date | The invoice date. The inventory will be removed as of this date and the income and COGS will be recorded as of this date. |
Format | List | If you have multiple invoice forms setup, you can choose one from this list. |
Text / 253 Characters (100 for QuickBooks Online) | The contact email address from the sales order. | |
Checkbox | If unchecked, the invoice will be created, but not printed. If checked, the invoice will be sent to the printer (see the Preview option for more information). | |
Preview | Checkbox | If the preview option is enabled then the invoice will be created, then previewed on the screen. You can then print from the preview. |
Send | Checkbox | If checked, the Email window will appear with the invoice attached as a PDF. |
Shipment section The Shipment section allows you to enter information and create a single package shipment.
If the Package Shipment window was used or if shipments were exported from an external shipping workstation, such as ShipStation, UPS WorldShip, or FedEx Ship Manager, this section will be replaced by a grid displaying the shipment information.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Shipped | Date | The shipment date. |
Ship Charge | Numeric | If an amount is entered here, it will be added to the invoice total. |
Carrier Service | List | The Carrier Service used. |
Tracking | Text / 50 Characters | The tracking number for the shipment. |
Shipped by | Text / 50 Characters | A reference field to record who shipped the sales order. |
Delivered to | Text / 50 Characters | A reference field to record who the sales order was shipped to. |
Packages | Numeric | The number of packages that made up the shipment. Used as a reference only, only one package and tracking number will be created. |
Weight | Numeric | The total weight of the shipment. This is calculated automatically by summing each line's scheduled qty * weight. |
Distance | Numeric | The total distance the shipment will travel. |
Credits | Button | The Credits button displays the total count of available credits for the invoice which you are about to create. Only payments and credits that use the same accounts receivable account as the sales order's branch will be available for applying to the invoice. |
Payment section
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Amount | Numeric | The amount to be paid. |
Payment Method | List | The Payment Method field displays the Payment Method list from QuickBooks. Use the Preferred payment method button to select the customer's preferred payment method, if one exists. If the payment method is configured as a Credit Card and the customer has credit card information saved, you can use the Use Saved Card button to populate the credit card fields. |
Number | Text / 19 Characters | The payment reference number or credit card number. |
Expiration | Numeric | Only visible if the selected payment method is a credit card. Formatted as MM/YY. |
Security Code | Numeric | The card security code (CSC), such as CVC2, CVV2 or CID. This number is not stored in the database. A card security code can be entered while editing the order, allowing you to authorize a credit card amount while in edit mode. Once the order is saved, the Security Code field will be cleared. Only visible if the selected payment method is a credit card. |
Name on card | Text / 41 Characters (50 for QuickBooks Online) | The name of the card holder. Only visible if the selected payment method is a credit card. |
Address | Text / 41 Characters | The street address of the card holder. Only visible if the selected payment method is a credit card. |
ZIP Code | Numeric / 5 Characters | The billing ZIP Code of the card holder. Only visible if the selected payment method is a credit card. |
Charge CC | Checkbox | By default, credit card information will be sent to the processor for processing. You can uncheck this box to save the payment information without sending the card information to the processor, but you will not be able to process it later unless you void this payment and re-enter it. |
Invoice Window
Once an invoice is created, the invoice information can be viewed in the Customer Invoice window. This window includes the common invoice information as well as transactional information such as the cost of goods sold and payments applied.
Start with the Customer menu:
- Navigate to Customer → Invoice/Credit Memo
- In the window that appears, use the magnifying glass to lookup an Invoice number, or type in the invoice number.
Start with the Customer List:
- Using the left menu, open the Customers list.
- Search for the customer associated with the invoice.
- On the Timeline tab, click the icon to the left of an invoice (which turns to the edit icon when the mouse is placed over it).
Start with the Sales list:
- Using the left menu, open the Sales list.
- Search for the order associated with the invoice.
- On the Timeline tab, click the icon to the left of an invoice (which turns to the edit icon when the mouse is placed over it).
Start from the Enter Sales Order window:
- Open the Enter Sales Order window for the sales order associated with the invoice.
- Click on the Invoices tab.
- Click on an invoice to select that row, click View Invoice.
Start with the Enter Customer window:
- Open the Edit Customer window for the associated customer.
- Click on the Invoices tab.
- Either double-click an invoice to open it or click on the invoice row and choose View Invoice at the top.
The Customer Invoice window allows you to Void the invoice as well as Print or Email the invoice.
Invoice Header
The Customer Invoice header section is visible at all times and includes information such as the Invoice Number, Date, and Customer.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Invoice | Text / 40 Characters | The invoice number. |
Order | Text / 40 Characters | The sales order number associated with this invoice. |
In Dispute | Checkbox | When checked, this invoice is removed from the customer's credit evaluation if Customer Credit Evaluation Options are enabled. Invoice that are marked as In Dispute can be viewed on the Customer Credit tab of the Business Alerts window. |
Customer | Text / 41 Characters | The customer linked to the invoice. |
PO | Text / 25 Characters | Editable. The PO number on the sales order at the time this invoice was created. |
Reference | Text / 30 Characters | Editable. The Reference text from the Enter Sales Order window at the time the invoice was created. |
Reference 2 | Text / 30 Characters | Editable. The Reference 2 text from the Additional Info tab of the Enter Sales Order window at the time the invoice was created. |
Date | Date | The invoice date. |
Terms | List | The terms code assigned to the sales order when the invoice was created. |
Due | Date | Editable. The due date based on the terms code's configuration. The due date can be changed in this window. |
Invoice Detail
The Detail section of the Customer Invoice window includes the customer's Bill To, Ship To, and Contact information.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Billing Address | Text / Up to 5 lines, 41 Characters per line (500 for QuickBooks Online) | The Billing Address comes from the Billing Address field in the Enter Sales Order window. |
Shipping Address | Text / Up to 5 lines, 41 Characters per line (500 for QuickBooks Online) | The Shipping Address comes from the Billing Address field in the Enter Sales Order window. |
Contact Name | List or Text / 50 Characters | The contact from the Enter Sales Order window. |
Contact Phone | Text / 50 Characters | The contact phone number from the Enter Sales Order window. |
Contact Fax | Text / 50 Characters | The contact fax number from the Enter Sales Order window. |
Contact Email | Text / 253 Characters (100 for QuickBooks Online) | The contact email from the Enter Sales Order window. |
Ship Attn | Text / 50 | The Ship To Attention from the Enter Sales Order window. |
Invoice Detail Grid
The invoice detail grid lists the line items included in the invoice.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Line number | Numeric | The invoice line number. |
Product ID | Text / 159 Characters | The Product ID invoiced. |
W/H | List | The warehouse from the sales order line. |
Ship | Numeric | The quantity shipped and invoiced. |
U/M | List | The unit of measure associated with the Ship quantity. |
Price | Numeric | The unit price on the invoice. |
U/M | List | The unit relating to the invoice price. |
% Off | Numeric | The line level discount percentage. Comes from the Enter Sales Order line. |
Quantity | Numeric | The Price Quantity. This is the quantity is multiplied by the invoice price to determine the line amount. For example, with catch weight products, this would be the number of pounds invoiced, whereas the Ship quantity is the number of cases invoiced. |
Tax | List | The tax code determines if tax will be charged on this invoice line. |
Amount | Numeric | The total line invoice amount. Calculated as Quantity multiplied by Price. |
Unit Cost | Numeric | The unit cost of goods sold. Calculated at the time of invoice creation. |
Cost Unit | List | The product's stocking unit. |
CGS Amount | Numeric | The total cost of goods sold calculated for this invoice line. |
Description | Text / 4095 characters | The description from the Enter Sales Order window. |
Class | List | The QuickBooks Class associated with this line item, if Class Tracking is enabled. |
Pr Cd | List | The price code from the Enter Sales Order window. |
Special Instructions | Text | The Special Instructions field from the Enter Sales Order window. |
CGS Account | List | The cost of goods sold account used for this line. The cost of goods sold account is determined by the Sales and COGS configuration |
Invoice Footer Section
The Customer Invoice footer includes Order instructions and amounts. The footer section shows at all times.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Comment | Text/List / 101 Characters | The comments from the Comment field of the Enter Sales Order window. |
Special Instructions | Text | The instructions from the Special Instructions field of the Enter Sales Order window. |
Shipping Instructions | Text | The instructions from the Shipping Instructions field of the Enter Sales Order window. |
Discount | Numeric | The discount from the Enter Sales Order window. |
Tax | List | The Tax Category that was selected in the Enter Sales Order window at the time of invoice creation. |
Invoice Additional Info
The Additional Info tab displays shipment and sales information for this invoice.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Ship Via | List | The Shipping method selected on the Enter Sales Order window at the time the invoice was created. |
FOB | Text / 25 Characters | The FOB ("free on board") from the Shipping tab of the Enter Sales Order window. |
Tracking Number | Text / 50 Characters | Displays the first Tracking Number associated with this invoice. See the Packages tab for all tracking information related to this order. If a package is associated with this invoice, the carrier, service and shipment date for the first package will appear below the Tracking Number field. |
Branch | List | The Branch assigned in the Enter Sales Order window when the invoice was created. The Branch determines which Accounts Receivable account is associated with the invoice. |
Salesperson | List | The Salesperson assigned in the Enter Sales Order window at the time of creating the invoice. |
Invoice Packages
The package information associated with this invoice. Includes the same package information that is found on the Packages tab of the Enter Sales Order window.
Invoice Transactions
The transactions tab of the invoice shows payments and credits applied to this invoice.
Field | Field Type/ Length | Definition |
Date | Date | The date of the payment or credit. |
Payment | List | The payment method used. |
Reference | Text / 20 Characters | The payment number/reference. |
Disc | Numeric | If a payment discount (not an invoice discount) is applied to an invoice, with our without a payment, it will appear here. |
Pay Amount | Numeric | The amount of the payment. |
Memo | Text | The payment memo (can be entered in QuickBooks). |
Invoice Notes
The Notes tab allows saving a note to the Invoice window. The note is also saved to the related Sales Order window. These notes can be used to document something, or a note can be assigned to a user for follow-up. You can add a Note in the Customer Invoice window by clicking the Note button in the window's toolbar.
Void Invoice
If an invoice has been created in Acctivate and you need to make a change to either header or detail level invoice information, you must void the invoice in Acctivate, make the correction in the Enter Sales Order window and then re-create the invoice.
Use one of the following ways to void an invoice:
From the Enter Sales Order window
- Open the Enter Sales Order window for the sales order that corresponds to the invoice.
- Click on the Invoices tab.
- Click on the invoice to void (if there are multiple invoices on this tab) and click the Void Invoice button.
From the Customer Invoice window
- Navigate to the Customer Invoice window
- In the Customer Invoice window, use the magnifying glass to lookup an Invoice number, or type in the invoice number.
- Click the Void button at the top of the window.
- When the invoice is voided, you will be asked if you want to open the Enter Sales Order window for the related.
When an invoice is voided, the workflow status of the sales order will revert to Shipped (regardless of what the previous workflow status was).
If a payment has been applied to the invoice you voided, you will be prompted with a message asking if you want to view the payment. If you choose "Yes", the payment(s) will open in the Enter Payment window where you can choose to apply the payment to another invoice, void it, or edit it.
When re-invoicing a sales order, the original invoice number will be used. In the Create Invoice window, you will be able to view and select any available credits, including payments that were previously applied.
Re-Schedule a Sales Order
If backordered quantities remain on an order after it has gone through a complete order process (picked, packed, shipped, and invoiced) the sales order must be Scheduled in order to process the outstanding quantities. Similarly, a sales order which hasn't been picked yet could benefit from being re-scheduling a (or Resetting the Scheduled Quantities). This serves two purposes:
- When an order is re-scheduled, the sales order's workflow status will change to the status defined for the Scheduled action. Typically, this would be a workflow status of Ready to Pick or Not Ready to Pick. Effectively, this puts the sales order back at the beginning of the sales order workflow cycle.
- When you Reset scheduled quantities, Acctivate checks to see if there is any new inventory availability that can allocated.
Re-schedule a Partially invoiced Sales Order
If the sales order is in a Partially Invoiced workflow status:- Open the Enter Sales Order window.
- Click Schedule at the top of the Enter Sales Order window.
Re-schedule an order in a workflow status other than Partially Invoiced
- Open the Enter Sales Order window.
- Click Edit
- Click Action...→ Reset Scheduled Quantities
Re-schedule one or more orders from the Sales Order Manager window
- Open the Sales Order Manager window.
- Locate and check off the orders you wish to re-schedule.
- Sort the orders based on priority. Orders at the top of the list will have their scheduled quantities reset first and Acctivate will work down the list of orders until all have been rescheduled.
- Go to Action...→ Reset Scheduled Quantities
Orders which are being picked, packed, shipped or waiting to be invoiced should not have their scheduled quantities reset. Re-scheduling sales orders should be only performed on orders which have not started the order fulfillment process or have gone through the order fulfillment process (partially invoiced) and need to be brought back to the beginning of the fulfillment process for an additional round of processing. It's strongly recommended you review our Recommendations for Re-scheduling Sales Orderss