Resources for EDI
EDI Transaction Files
Acctivate has previously supported the ANSI EDI X12 standard, XML and other various file formats. These formats were difficult to troubleshoot and integrations with EDI service providers were complicated as each customer, trading partner and service provider had different requirements. Acctivate now only supports a tab-delimited text file format for exchanging EDI transactions. ANSI EDI X12 and other formatting will be done by the VAN used with Acctivate.
We partnered with TrueCommerce in 2008 to develop a standard integration that could be scaled to hundreds and eventually thousands of companies using Acctivate and looking for a seamless EDI integration. TrueCommerce recommended that we use their tab-delimited text file format for sending and receiving EDI transactions. This universal, single file format has allowed Acctivate to successfully integrate with hundreds of unique trading partners.
As a bonus, we found that the tab-delimited text files were much more "human readable" when compared to ANSI X12. Please read our View EDI Transaction Files documentation below to learn how to locate and view Acctivate EDI transaction files.
Other popular EDI providers, such as SPS Commerce, B2B Gateway, and GCommerce have also added support for our tab-delimited format. We have also worked with numerous lesser known EDI providers and VANs. It is also possible to import and export our tab-delimited text files without an EDI service provider. The other party would need to implement the Acctivate file specification explained below
View EDI Transaction Files
Acctivate can read and generate tab-delimited text files which are used to exchange data with EDI service providers. The contents of the text files are viewable in standard text editors, such as Notepad; however, Microsoft Excel can provide a convenient way to review the EDI transaction data for accuracy. Follow the steps
Locating EDI Transaction files
If you've completed the EDI Configuration in Acctivate, you can use the EDI menu at the top of Acctivate to select the Open EDI File Directory option. This will open the directory where the EDI files are imported from and exported to.Opening an EDI transaction file in Notepad
The file extension for Acctivate EDI transaction files is TXT. Simply double-click on the TXT file, once located in Windows Explorer. The file should open in Notepad or the default text editor in Windows.Notepad is not the ideal application to review EDI transaction files. We recommend using Microsoft Excel to view the transaction.
Microsoft Excel can unnecessarily reformat the EDI transaction data when using the "Save" command. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you make a copy of the TXT file outside of your EDI transaction folder. First, press CTRL+A in Notepad to select all of the contents of the EDI transaction file. Then press CTRL+C to copy the contents to your clipboard.
Viewing EDI transaction in Microsoft Excel
Open Microsoft Excel and place your cursor in the first field and press CTRL+V to paste the contents from Notepad into Excel. By default, Microsoft Excel uses column letters, such as A-Z, instead of column numbers. The Acctivate EDI specification refers to column positions, not letters. Therefore, we recommend that you temporarily adjust Excel to use column numbers (i.e. R1C1 style) Instructions for Microsoft Excel 2010:- Click File from the Excel Ribbon toolbar
- Choose Options from the list on the left to open the Excel Options window
- Click Formulas in the list on the left
- Check the R1C1 reference style option and click OK
Use the guides below to locate and identify EDI transaction file contents.
850 Transaction File
The 850 transaction is commonly referred to as a Customer Purchase Order since it is initiated by your customer. However, the EDI Purchase Order will be imported as an Acctivate Sales Order.
The file structure for the EDI Customer Purchase Order is:
- The Header Row (Row Type “H”) is the first row in a Customer Purchase Order. The transaction header row includes the customer name, addresses, contact info, and special instructions.
- Item Rows (Row Type “I”) appear for each item in the order. This row contains multiple product identifiers, transaction quantity, price, reference and special instructions.
Header Row (used once per order)
Position | Data | Data Type (Length) | Notes |
1 | Row Type | String (1) | “H” for Header row |
2 | Transaction Type | String (3) | “850” for Transaction Type |
3 | Accounting ID | String (41) | Acctivate Trading Partner ID |
4 | Customer PO | String (20) | Sales Order PO |
5 | PO Date | Date | Sales Order Date, also captured in EDI Orders table. Local date format (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY in US) or YYYYMMDD |
6 | Invoice Number | Ignored | |
7 | Accounts Receivable Account | Ignored | |
8 | Ship To Name | String (41) | Ship Address 1 |
9 | Ship To Address – Line One | String (41) | Ship Address 2 |
10 | Ship To Address – Line Two | String (41) | Ship Address 3 |
11 | Ship To City | String (31) | Ship City |
12 | Ship To State | String (21) | Ship State |
13 | Ship To Zip Code | String (13) | Ship Zip |
14 | Ship To Country | String (31) | Ship Country |
15 | Mark for Store Number | String (41) | The Mark for Store Number is compared against the all the Ship To Locations of the customers associated with this trading partner in order to find a matching customer. Once a customer has been matched based on this location, this location will be used for the sales order's Ship To unless this customer also has a Ship To address that matches the Ship-to Location ID (H row, position 41). The Store is stored in EDI Orders table, visible on the Additional Info tab of the Enter Sales Order window. |
16 | Bill To Name | String (41) | Bill Address 1 |
17 | Bill To Address – Line One | String (41) | Bill Address 2 |
18 | Bill To Address – Line Two | String (41) | Bill Address 3 |
19 | Bill To City | String (31) | Bill City |
20 | Bill To State | String (21) | Bill State |
21 | Bill To Zip Code | String (13) | Bill Zip |
22 | Bill To Country | String (31) | Bill Country |
23 | Bill To Code | Ignored | |
24 | Ship Via | String (25) | Sales Order Ship Via |
25 | Ship Date | Date | Requested Ship Date. Local date format (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY in US) or YYYYMMDD |
26 | Terms Code | String (31) | Terms Code |
27 | Note | String (4095) | Comment |
28 | Product Group | String (255) | Stored in EDI Additional Information table |
29 | Department Number | String (5) | Stored in EDI Additional Information table |
30 | Mark For Code | String (255) | Stored in EDI Additional Information table |
31 | Cancel Date | Date | Stored in EDI Additional Information table. Local date format (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY in US) or YYYYMMDD |
32 | Do Not Ship Before | Date | Sales Order Don’t Ship Before. Local date format (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY in US) or YYYYMMDD |
33 | Do Not Ship After | Date | Sales Order Don’t Ship After. Local date format (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY in US) or YYYYMMDD |
34 | Allowance Percent 1 | Decimal | Accumulated with other allowances for Sales Order Discount |
35 | Allowance Amount 1 | Decimal | Accumulated with other allowances for Sales Order Discount |
36 | Allowance Percent 2 | Decimal | Accumulated with other allowances for Sales Order Discount |
37 | Allowance Amount 2 | Decimal | Accumulated with other allowances for Sales Order Discount |
38 | Allowance Percent 3 | Decimal | Accumulated with other allowances for Sales Order Discount |
39 | Allowance Amount 3 | Decimal | Accumulated with other allowances for Sales Order Discount |
40 | Not Used | ||
41 | Ship-to Location ID | String (41) | If provided, the Ship To Location ID in this field will be used for the order if it exists for the customer that was matched using the Mark for Store location (H row, position 15). Typically this would be a Distribution Center that services the Mark for Store location. |
42 | Merchandise Type Code | String (255) | Stored in EDI Additional Information table |
43 | Contact Name | String (50) | Sales Order Contact Name |
44 | Contact Phone | String (50) | Sales Order Contact Phone |
45 | Contact Fax | String (50) | Sales Order Contact Fax |
46 | Contact Email Address | String (99) | Sales Order Contact Email |
47 | Ship-to Attention | String (41) | Ship Attention |
48 | Salesperson | String (5) | Sales Order Salesperson ID |
49 | Requested By | String (50) | Sales Order Requested By |
50 | Approved By | String (50) | Sales Order Approved By |
51 | Customer Contact Name | Ignored | |
52 | Reference | String (30) | Sales Order Reference |
53 | Reference 2 | String (30) | Sales Order Reference 2 |
54 | Job Reference | String (20) | Sales Order Job Reference |
55 | Special Instructions | String | Sales Order Special Instructions |
56 | Shipping Instructions | String | Sales Order Shipping Instructions |
Item Row
Position | Data | Data Type (Length) | Notes |
1 | Row Type | String (1) | “I” for Item Row |
2 | Line Number | String (20) | Stored in EDI OrderDetail table. Will be used on the 856 and 810 transactions. |
3 | Vendor Product ID | String (159) | Find Product by Product ID (or Alt Product ID) |
4 | Buyer Product ID | String (159) | Find Product by Customer Product ID |
5 | UPC | String (31) | Find Product by UPC |
6 | Description | String (4095) | Sales Order Line Description |
7 | Quantity | Decimal | Sales Order Quantity |
8 | Unit of Measure | String (5) | Sales Order Quantity Unit (see IgnoreUOM and SetPriceUnit configuration options) |
9 | Unit Price | Decimal | Sales Order Line Price |
10 | Item Retail Price | Ignored | |
11 | Item Allowance Amount | Decimal | Converted to Line Discount % |
12 | Item Allowance Percent | Decimal | Line Discount % |
13 | Reference | String (20) | Sales Order Line Reference |
14 | Special Instructions | String | Sales Order Line Special Instructions |
856 Transaction File
Acctivate can export shipment notifications to your customers via EDI. This transaction is the Advance Ship Notice, or ASN. It may also be referred to as an EDI 856 transaction.
The shipment is typically created either by the shipping workstation interface (e.g. FedEx or UPS) or the Acctivate Package Manager.
The Acctivate ASN export includes support for three shipment structures. You'll hear more about these formats during your EDI implementation. The format refers to the structure and sequence of the rows contained in the transaction file. This shipment structure is configured per trading partner. Please read the linked articles below for each ASN format.
Standard Pack: A common format for the Acctivate EDI Advance Ship Notice is "Standard Pack". Standard Pack ASNs are appropriate when each carton in a shipment contains a single SKU.
The Standard Pack ASN follows the "SOIP" file structure:
- The Shipment Row (Row Type "S") is the first row in an Advance Ship Notice. The shipment row contains the shipment address, carrier, service, total weight and other shipment summary information.
- Sales Order Rows (Row Type "O") are created for each sales order contained in the shipment. Typically, there is one sales order contained in the shipment, but Acctivate does support consolidated, multi-order shipments.
- Item Rows (Row Type "I") are included for each item in the shipment. Multiple product identifiers are included, along with the quantity and item dimensions.
- Lot/Serial Rows (Row Type "L") for the selected lot or serial numbers are included in the shipment. All lot/serial numbers for an item will appear under a single Item Row.
- Pack Rows (Row Type "P") will appear for each carton for the item within the shipment. The Package ID (SSCC-18) is included in the Pack Row, along with the pack quantities, store number, tracking number and weight.
Pick and Pack: A common format for the Acctivate EDI Advance Ship Notice is "Pick and Pack". Pick and Pack ASNs are appropriate when shipment cartons contain multiple products/SKUs.
This ASN format typically requires use of the Acctivate Package Manager to specify which items are contained within each carton. However, it is possible to use this format for shipments with single product/SKU cartons if the EDI Trading Partner requires it.
The Pick and Pack ASN follows the "SOPI" file structure:
- The Shipment Row (Row Type "S") is the first row in an Advance Ship Notice. The shipment row contains the shipment address, carrier, service, total weight and other shipment summary information.
- Sales Order Rows (Row Type "O") are created for each sales order contained in the shipment. Typically, there is one sales order contained in the shipment, but Acctivate does support consolidated, multi-order shipments.
- Pack Rows (Row Type "P") will appear for each carton within the shipment. The Package ID (SSCC-18) is included in the Pack Row, along with the pack quantities, store number, tracking number and weight.
- Item Rows (Row Type "I") are included for each item in the carton/pack. Multiple product identifiers are included, along with the quantity and item dimensions.
No Pack: A less common format for the Acctivate EDI Advance Ship Notice is "No Pack". The No Pack ASN is very simple and can be used for any shipment, regardless of the contents of cartons.
This ASN format only includes the shipment summary information and the items contained within the shipment. There is no information provided for the cartons.
The No Pack ASN follows the "SOI" file structure:
- The Shipment Row (Row Type "S") is the first row in an Advance Ship Notice. The shipment row contains the shipment address, carrier, service, total weight and other shipment summary information.
- Sales Order Rows (Row Type "O") are created for each sales order contained in the shipment. Typically, there is one sales order contained in the shipment, but Acctivate does support consolidated, multi-order shipments.
- Item Rows (Row Type "I") are included for each item in the shipment. Multiple product identifiers are included, along with the quantity and item dimensions.
- Lot/Serial Rows (Row Type "L") may be included for selected lot or serial numbers are included in the shipment. All lot/serial numbers for an item will appear under a single Item Row.
Below you can find the specifications of each row type. Except for the sequence of the rows, mentioned above, most of the row data is the same.
Shipment Row (used once per shipment)
Position | Data | Data Type (Length) | Value |
1 | Row Type | String (1) | "S" for Shipment row |
2 | Transaction Type | String (6) | Varies depending on the Trading Partner's shipment structure:
3 | Shipment ID | String (30) | Acctivate Shipment Number |
4 | SCAC | String (4) | SCAC from Carrier (Config Mgr) |
5 | Carrier Pro Number | String (30) | Carrier Reference from Shipment |
6 | Bill of Lading | String (30) | BOL from Shipment on first Carrier Reference from first Carton |
7 | Scheduled Delivery | Date | CCYYMMDD |
8 | Ship Date | Date | CCYYMMDD |
9 | Ship To Name | String (41) | Address line 1 from Shipment |
10 | Ship To Address - Line One | String (41) | Address line 2 from Shipment |
11 | Ship To Address - Line Two | String (41) | Address line 3 from Shipment |
12 | Ship To City | String (31) | City from Shipment |
13 | Ship To State | String (21) | State from Shipment |
14 | Ship To Zip | String (13) | Postal / Zip from Shipment |
15 | Ship To Address Code | Not supported | |
16 | Routing | String (35) | Routing from Shipment |
17 | Ship To Type | Not supported | |
18 | Packaging Type | String (12) | "Carton" |
19 | Gross Weight | Real | Gross Weight from Shipment |
20 | Gross Weight UOM | String (5) | "LB" or "KG" |
21 | Total Cartons Shipped | Integer | Number of Cartons/Packs in Shipment |
22 | Carrier Trailer Number | Not supported | |
23 | Trailer Initial | Not supported | |
24 | Ship From Name | String (59) | Company Name from Config Mgr (Company Info) |
25 | Ship From Address - Line One | String (41) | First address line from Config Mgr (Company Info) |
26 | Ship From Address - Line Two | String (41) | Second address line from Config Mgr (Company Info) |
27 | Ship From City | String (31) | City from Config Mgr (Company Info) |
28 | Ship From State | String (21) | State from Config Mgr (Company Info) |
29 | Ship From Zip | String (13) | Postal / Zip from Config Mgr (Company Info) |
30 | Ship From Address Code | Not supported | |
31 | Vendor Number | String (15) | EDI Identifier for your company, configurable per Trading Partner (e.g., Duns #, UCC EDI #, Phone) |
32 | Distributor Address Code | Not supported | |
33 | Transportation Method | String (2) | (blank), A=Air,C=Consolidation,M=Motor (Common Carrier),P=Private Carrier,U=Private Parcel Service |
34 | Buyers Address Code | Not supported | |
35 | Product Group | Not supported | |
36 | Ship To Code | Not supported | |
37 | Ship To Location ID | String (41) | Ship To Location ID from Shipment |
38 | Status | Not supported | |
39 | Routing Sequence Code | String (1) | B=Origin/Delivery Carrier (Any Mode) |
40 | Time Shipped | Time | Time (HH:MM) |
41 | ASN Creation Date | Date | Shipment Date (CCYYMMDD) |
42 | Carrier | String (25) | Sales Order Carrier |
43 | CarrierService | String (25) | Sales Order Carrier Service |
Order Row
Position | Data | Data Type (Length) | Value |
1 | Row Type | String (1) | "O" for Order row |
2 | Accounting ID | String (15) | Acctivate Trading Partner ID for Customer |
3 | PO # | String (25) | Customer PO Number from Sales Order |
4 | PO Date | Date | CCYYMMDD |
5 | Invoice # | String (40) | The first invoice associated with this shipment |
6 | Order Weight | Real | Total weight of cartons (or items for Pick/Pack) for this order in the shipment |
7 | Store Address Code | String (41) | Store Location from first carton for this Sales Order in Shipment |
8 | Buyer Name | Not supported | |
9 | Order Lading Quantity | Not supported | |
10 | Department # | String (5) | Department Number from original EDI Purchase Order |
11 | Destination Address Code | Not supported | |
12 | Packaging Type | String (12) | CTN=Carton, CTN25=Carton, CTN25=Corrugated Carton, CTN31=Fiber Carton, CTN76=Paper Carton, PLT76=Pallet |
13 | Lading Quantity | Real | Number of Cartons for this Sales Order in Shipment |
14 | Store Name | Not supported | |
15 | Store Number | String (41) | Store Location from first carton for this Sales Order in Shipment |
16 | Buyer Address Code | Not supported | |
17 | Vendor Order # | String (40) | Acctivate Sales Order Number |
18 | Merchandise Type Code | String (255) | Merchandise Type Code from original EDI Purchase Order |
19 | Product Group | String (255) | Product Group from original EDI Purchase Order |
20 | Reference | String (30) | Reference from Acctivate Sales Order |
21 | Reference 2 | String (30) | Reference 2 from Acctivate Sales Order |
22 | Job Reference | String (20) | Job Reference from Acctivate Sales Order |
Pack Row
Position | Data | Data Type (Length) | Value |
1 | Row Type | String (1) | "P" for Pack row |
2 | UCC-128 | String (20) | Package ID (option to include “00” prefix) |
3 | Pack Size | Integer | Not supported |
4 | Inner Packs per Outer Pack | Integer | Outer Pack Qty from Carton / Pack |
5 | Pack Height | Real | Not supported |
6 | Pack Length | Real | Not supported |
7 | Pack Width | Real | Not supported |
8 | Pack Weight | Real | Weight of Carton / Pack |
9 | Qty of UPCs within Pack (Inner Pack Qty) | Real | Inner Pack Qty from Carton / Pack |
10 | UOM of UPCs | String (12) | "Each", "Case", "Dozen", or "Pound" |
11 | Pack Size UOM | Not supported | |
12 | Store Name | Not supported | |
13 | Store Number | String (41) | Ship To Location ID from Carton / Pack |
14 | Tracking # | String (50) | Carrier Package ID from Carton / Pack |
15 | Gross Volume | Decimal | Volume from Product Specs tab X Shipped Qty in Carton |
16 | Gross Volume UOM | Not supported |
Item Row
Position | Data | Data Type (Length) | Value |
1 | Row Type | String (1) | "I" for Item row |
2 | User Item ID | String (159) | Product ID from Acctivate Product record |
3 | Trading Partner Item ID | String (159) | Buyer Product ID from original EDI Purchase Order |
4 | UPC # | String (159) | UPC from Acctivate Product record |
5 | Item Description | String | Description from Acctivate Sales Order line |
6 | Quantity | Real | Varies depending on the Trading Partner's shipment structure:
7 | UOM | String (5) | Stocking UOM from Product |
8 | Shipped Quantity | Real | Same as above “Quantity” |
9 | Pack Size | Not supported | |
10 | Pack UOM | String (12) | "Each", "Linear Foot", "Ounce", "Pounds Gross", or "Square Foot" |
11 | Inner Packs per Outer Pack (Outer Pack Qty) | Integer | Outer Pack Qty from Product Specs tab |
12 | Line Number | String (20) | Line Number from original 850 EDI Purchase Order transaction. If no line number was provided with the 850, the Acctivate sales Order line number will be used |
13 | Buyer's Catalog # | Not supported | |
14 | Volume | Decimal | Volume from Product Specs tab |
15 | Volume UOM | Not supported | |
16 | Weight | Not supported | |
17 | Today's Date | Date | CCYYMMDD |
18 | Reserved | Not supported | |
19 | Unit Price | Decimal | Price from Sales Order line in stocking unit |
20 | Reference | String (20) | Reference from Sales Order line |
21 | Length | Decimal | Length from Product Specs tab |
22 | Height | Decimal | Height from Product Specs tab |
23 | Width | Decimal | Width from Product Specs tab |
Lot/Serial Numbers (optional, included in "No Pack" and "SOIP" shipments created in Packaging Manager)
Position | Data | Data Type (Length) | Notes |
1 | Row Type | String (1) | "L" for Lot number, but also used for Serial Numbers |
2 | Lot Number | String (25) | Control |
3 | Quantity | Decimal | |
4 | Expiration Date | Date | Exp Date from Acctivate Lot/Serial Inventory in YYYYMMDD format |
5 | Reference | String (50) | Reference from Acctivate Lot/Serial Inventory |
6 | Specification | String | Specification from Acctivate Lot/Serial Inventory |
7 | Weight | Decimal | Actual Weight of Lot/Serial number, from Acctivate Sales Order |
8 | Length | Decimal | Actual Length of Lot/Serial number, from Acctivate Sales Order |
810 Transaction File
Acctivate can export sales invoices to your customers via EDI. This transaction is commonly referred to as the EDI 810 transaction.
The file structure for the EDI Sales Invoice is:
- The Header Row (Row Type "H") is the first row in a Customer Invoice. The transaction header row includes the customer name, addresses, contact info, special instructions, related shipment information and transaction total amounts.
- Item Rows (Row Type "I") appear for each item on the invoice. This row contains multiple product identifiers, quantity, price, reference and special instructions.
- Lot/Serial Rows (Row Type "L") may be included for any lot or serial numbers are included. All lot/serial numbers for an item will appear under a single Item Row.
- Tracking Number Rows (Row Type "T") may be included when a tracking number exists for a related shipment
Invoice Row (used once per invoice)
Position | Data | Data Type (Length) | Notes |
1 | Row Type | String (1) | "H" for Header |
2 | Transaction Type | String (3) | "810" |
3 | Accounting ID | String (41) | Acctivate Customer ID/Name |
4 | Invoice # | String (40) | Acctivate Invoice Number |
5 | Invoice Date | Date | YYYYMMDD format |
6 | PO # | String (40) | Trading Partner (Customer) PO |
7 | Bill of Lading | String (50) | First of 1) Bill of Lading from last Shipment, 2) Tracking from last Carton or 3) Tracking from Invoice. Note: Options 1 and 2 come from a shipment created in Packaging Manager with a status of 'Shipped'. |
8 | SCAC | String (4) | SCAC from the most recent shipment associated with this invoice |
9 | Ship To Name | String (41) | Ship to Address line 1 (Ship To Location Description for CYMA edition) |
10 | Ship To Address - Line One | String (41) | Ship To address line 2 (Ship To address line 1 for CYMA edition) |
11 | Ship To Address - Line Two | String (41) | Ship To address line 3 (Ship To address line 2 for CYMA edition) |
12 | Ship To City | String (31) | Ship To address city |
13 | Ship To State | String (21) | Ship To address state |
14 | Ship To Zip Code | String (13) | Ship To address zip |
15 | Ship to Country | String (31) | Ship To address country |
16 | Ship-to Location ID | String (41) | Typically DC or Store Number |
17 | Bill to Name | String (41) | Bill To address line 1 |
18 | Bill to Address - Line One | String (41) | Bill To address line 2 |
19 | Bill to Address - Line Two | String (41) | Bill To address line 3 |
20 | Bill to City | String (31) | Bill To address city |
21 | Bill to State | String (21) | Bill To address state |
22 | Bill to Zip Code | String (13) | Bill To address zip code |
23 | Bill to Country | String (31) | Bill To address country |
24 | Bill to Code | String (2) | Not supported |
25 | Ship Via | String (25) | Shipping Method (e.g., Ground) |
26 | Ship Date | Date | YYYYMMDD format |
27 | Terms | String (31) | Payment Terms (e.g., "Net 30") |
28 | Note | String (4095) | Comment field from the invoice |
29 | Weight | Decimal | Weight from cartons in related shipment(s) or item weights if no shipment(s) |
30 | Total Cartons Shipped | Decimal | Cartons from related shipment(s) or item quantity if no shipment(s) |
31 | Shipping Charge | Decimal | Total Amount of Invoice Lines for default shipping product from Sales Orders options in Config Mgr. Note: Any invoice lines for this item will not be included as "I" rows |
32 | Terms Discount Amount | Decimal | Early Payment Discount. Use 52-57 for allowances |
33 | Tax Amount | Decimal | Sales Tax Amount |
34 | Department Number | String (5) | Department from original EDI Purchase Order |
35 | Product Group | String (255) | Product Group from original EDI Purchase Order |
36 | Trade Discount Amount | Decimal | Total Discount at bottom of Invoice. Total of Allowances from Customer PO if applicable. |
37 | Order Date | Date | YYYYMMDD format |
38 | Transportation Method | String (2) | Transportation Type from most recent shipment |
39 | Invoice Type | String (2) | Currently Unused (blank) |
40 | FOB | String (25) | FOB pulled from the Shipment tab of the Sales Order |
41 | Branch ID | String (15) | Acctivate Branch ID |
42 | Store # | String (41) | Store from original EDI Purchase Order |
43 | Branch Name | String (50) | Branch name from Configuration |
44 | Branch Address 1 | String (41) | |
45 | Branch Address 2 | String (41) | |
46 | Branch Address 3 | String (41) | |
47 | Branch City | String (31) | |
48 | Branch State | String (12) | |
49 | Branch Zip | String (13) | |
50 | Branch Country | String (31) | |
51 | Merchandise Type Code | String(255) | Merchandise Type Code from original EDI Purchase Order |
52 | Allowance 1 Amount | Decimal | Allowance 1 from original EDI Purchase Order |
53 | Allowance 1 Percent | Decimal | Allowance 1 from original EDI Purchase Order |
54 | Allowance 2 Amount | Decimal | Allowance 2 from original EDI Purchase Order |
55 | Allowance 2 Percent | Decimal | Allowance 2 from original EDI Purchase Order |
56 | Allowance 3 Amount | Decimal | Allowance 3 from original EDI Purchase Order |
57 | Allowance 3 Percent | Decimal | Allowance 3 from original EDI Purchase Order |
58 | Vendor Order # | String (22) | Acctivate Sales Order Number |
59 | Reference | String (20) | Acctivate Sales Order/Invoice Reference |
60 | Reference 2 | String (20) | Acctivate Sales Order/Invoice Reference 2 |
61 | Job Reference | String (20) | Acctivate Sales Order/Invoice Job Reference |
62 | Due Date | Date | Payment Due Date based on Terms |
63 | Sub Total | Decimal | Invoice Total, prior to Trade Discount Amount and Tax |
64 | Total Amount | Decimal | Invoice Total, after Discount and including Tax |
65 | Terms Due Number of Days | Decimal | The number of days until invoice is due. i.e. 30 when Net 30 terms. |
66 | Terms Discount Number of Days | Decimal | The number of days until payment must be made in order to receive a discount. i.e. 10 when terms "2% 10 Net 30". |
67 | Terms Discount Due Date | Date | yyyymmdd. The date in which payment must be made in order to receive the Terms Discount. |
68 | Terms Discount Percentage | Decimal | The terms code percentage discount. i.e. 2 when terms "2% 10 Net 30". |
Item Row
Position | Data | Data Type (Length) | Notes |
1 | Row Type | String (1) | "I" for Item |
2 | Line Number | Integer | Line Number from original 850 EDI Purchase Order transaction. If no line number was provided with the 850, the Acctivate invoice line number will be used |
3 | User Item ID | String (159) | Acctivate Product ID |
4 | Trading Partner Item ID | String (159) | This is the product ID sent by the trading partner on the original 850 (I row, Position 4). |
5 | UPC# | String (31) | UPC from original EDI Purchase Order or Acctivate Product |
6 | Description | String (4095) | Acctivate Product Description |
7 | Quantity | Decimal | Quantity invoiced (see ExportInSalesUnit configuration option) |
8 | Unit of Measure | String (5) | Unit of measure for the invoice quantity (may also apply to the unit price, see ExportInSalesUnit configuration option) |
9 | Unit Price | Decimal | Unit price. (see ExportInSalesUnit configuration option) |
10 | Size (PO402) | Decimal | Currently unused |
11 | Pack (PO401) | Decimal | Outer Pack Qty from Acctivate Product |
12 | GTIN # | String (31) | Currently unused |
13 | Item Allowance | Decimal | Item Allowance from EDI Purchase Order |
14 | Item Allowance Percent | Decimal | Item Allowance from EDI Purchase Order |
15 | Item Retail Price | Decimal | Retail Price from EDI Purchase Order |
16 | Shipping Status | Currently unused | |
17 | Line Amount | Decimal | Quantity * Unit Price, less any allowances |
18 | Bill of Lading | String (50) | First of: Shipment BOL, Carton Tracking # or Invoice Tracking #. Note: Options 1 and 2 come from a shipment created in Packaging Manager with a status of 'Shipped'. |
19 | Inner Pack Quantity | Decimal | Inner Pack Qty from Acctivate Product |
20 | Reference | String (20) | Acctivate Sales Order/Invoice Line Reference |
21 | Length | Decimal | Length fromAcctivateProduct |
22 | Height | Decimal | Height from Acctivate Product |
23 | Width | Decimal | Width from Acctivate Product |
24 | Weight | Decimal | Weight from Acctivate Product |
25 | Volume | Decimal | Volume from Acctivate Product |
Lot/Serial Numbers (optional)
Position | Data | Data Type (Length) | Notes |
1 | Row Type | String (1) | "L" for Lot number, but also used for Serial Numbers |
2 | Lot Number | String (25) | Control |
3 | Quantity | Decimal | Quantity in stocking unit. |
4 | Expiration Date | Date | Exp Date from Acctivate Lot/Serial Inventory in YYYYMMDD format |
5 | Reference | String | Reference from Acctivate Lot/Serial Inventory |
6 | Specification | String | Specification from Acctivate Lot/Serial Inventory |
7 | Weight | Decimal | Actual Weight of Lot/Serial number, from Acctivate Sales Order |
8 | Length | Decimal | Actual Length of Lot/Serial number, from Acctivate Sales Order |
Tracking Numbers (optional)
Position | Data | Data Type (Length) | Notes |
1 | Row Type | String (1) | "T" for Tracking |
2 | Tracking Number | String (50) | Carrier tracking number |
940 Transaction File
Acctivate can export warehouse shipping orders to your 3PL (Third Party Logistics) provider via EDI. This transaction is commonly referred to as the EDI 940 Warehouse Shipping Order transaction. The EDI 940 reflects the Acctivate Sales Order detail lines for a given warehouse. An individual Customer Sales Order may have some items that are shipped by the 3PL and others that are shipped direct from inventory at your warehouse. For example, your primary inventory may be stocked and shipped by the 3PL provider, but orders for accessories may be shipped directly from your office.
The format of the 940 transaction file is:
- The Header Row (Row Type "H") is the first row in a Warehouse Shipping Order. The transaction header row includes the information from the Customer Sales Order, including the billing and shipping information, addresses, special instructions and dates.
- Item Rows (Row Type "I") appear for each item on the sales order(s). This row contains multiple product identifiers, quantities, reference and special instructions.
Customer orders are processed and shipped by the 3PL provider. The 3PL will then send an EDI Warehouse Shipping Advice transaction file (945 Transaction) including details of the shipment.
Header Row (used once per order)
Position | Data | Data Type (Length) | Notes |
1 | Row ID | String (1) | Constant Value "H" |
2 | Transaction ID | String (3) | Constant Value "940" |
3 | Accounting ID | String (15) | Partner ID |
4 | Report Type Code | String (1) | Constant Value "N" |
5 | PO # | String (22) | Customer PO |
6 | Depositor Order # | String (22) | Acctivate Order Number |
7 | Store # | String | Mark for store number from 850 |
8 | Department # | String (30) | Department number from 850 |
9 | Vendor # | String (30) | Account Number |
10 | Customer # | String (41) | Customer ID |
11 | Merchandise Type | String (30) | Not Used |
12 | Priority Rating | String (30) | Not Used |
13 | Special Instructions | String (255) | Special Instructions |
14 | Shipping Instructions | String (255) | Shipping Instructions |
15 | Payment Method | String (2) | Not Used |
16 | Requested Date | Date | Requested Ship Date inYYYYMMDD format |
17 | Cancel After Date | Date | Cancel Date from 850 |
18 | Transportation Method | String (2) | Merchandise Type Code From 850 |
19 | SCAC | String (4) | SCAC from Carrier (e.g., FDE for FedEx) |
20 | Ship Via | String (25) | Ship Via |
21 | Ship To Name | String (41) | Ship Address Line 1 |
22 | Ship To Address 1 | String (41) | Ship Address Line 2 |
23 | Ship To Address 2 | String (41) | Ship Address Line 3 |
24 | Ship To City | String (31) | Ship Address City |
25 | Ship To State | String (2) | Ship Address State |
26 | Ship To Zip | String (13) | Ship Address Zip |
27 | Ship To Code Type | String (2) | Not Used |
28 | Ship To Code | String (80) | Ship Location ID |
29 | Ship From Name | String (60) | Branch Name |
30 | Ship From Address 1 | String (55) | Branch Address Line 1 |
31 | Ship From Address 2 | String (55) | Branch Address Line 2 |
32 | Ship From City | String (30) | Branch Address City |
33 | Ship From State | String (2) | Branch Address State |
34 | Ship From Zip | String (15) | Branch Address Zip |
35 | Ship From Code Type | String (2) | Not Used |
36 | Ship From Code | String (80) | Not Used |
37 | Bill To Name | String (60) | Bill Address Line 1 |
38 | Bill To Address 1 | String (55) | Bill Address Line 2 |
39 | Bill To Address 2 | String (55) | Bill Address Line 3 |
40 | Bill To City | String (30) | Bill Address City |
41 | Bill To State | String (2) | Bill Address State |
42 | Bill To Zip | String (15) | Bill Address Zip |
43 | Bill To Code Type | String (2) | Not Used |
44 | Bill To Code | String (80) | Not Used |
45 | PO Date | Date | Order Date in YYYYMMDD format |
46 | Don't Ship Before | Date | YYYYMMDD format |
47 | Don't Ship After | Date | YYYYMMDD format |
48 | Reference | String (20) | Reference |
49 | Reference 2 | String (20) | Reference 2 |
50 | Job Reference | String (20) | Job Reference |
51 | Product Group | String (30) | Product Group from 850 |
52 | Mark For Store Number | String (30) | Mark For Code from 850 |
53 | Salesperson ID | String (5) | Salesperson ID |
54 | Customer Contact Name | String (50) | Contact Name |
55 | Customer Contact Phone | String (50) | Contact Phone |
56 | Customer Contact Fax | String (50) | Contact Fax |
57 | Customer Contact Email | String (99) | Contact Email |
58 | Order Total Amount | Decimal (15) | Total Amount |
59 | Order Subtotal Amount | Decimal (15) | Subtotal Amount |
60 | Order Sales Tax Amount | Decimal (15) | Sales Tax Amount |
61 | Customer Company Name | String (41) | Company Name |
62 | Ship To Country | String (31) | Ship Address Country |
63 | Order Branch ID | String (15) | Branch |
Item Row
Position | Data | Data Type (Length) | Notes |
1 | Row ID | String (1) | Constant Value "I" |
2 | Line # | String (6) | Incremental Number, not Sales Order line |
3 | UPC Case Code | String (31) | UPC from Product |
4 | Vendor Item # | String (159) | Product ID |
5 | Buyer's Item # | String (159) | Customer's Product ID |
6 | Description | String (4,095) | Description |
7 | Stocking Qty | Decimal | Quantity Ordered in Stocking Unit |
8 | Stocking UOM | String (5) | Stocking Unit |
9 | Order Qty | Decimal | Quantity Ordered in Sales Order Unit |
10 | Order UOM | String (5) | Sales Order Unit |
11 | Length | Decimal | Sales Order Line Length |
12 | Height | Decimal | Product Height |
13 | Width | Decimal | Product Width |
14 | Weight | Decimal | Sales Order LineWeight |
15 | Volume | Decimal | Product Volume |
16 | Inner Pack Qty | Decimal | Inner Pack Quantity |
17 | Outer Pack Qty | Decimal | Outer Pack Quantity |
18 | Alternate Product ID | String (159) | Alternate Product ID |
19 | Customer UPC Code | String (31) | UPC from 850 |
20 | Reference | String (20) | Reference from Sales Order Line |
21 | Special Instructions | String (255) | Special Instructions from Sales Order Line |
22 | Warehouse ID | String (8) | Warehouse ID |
23 | Customer Product ID | String (159) | Customer Product ID |
24 | Customer Product Description | String (4,095) | Customer Product Description |
25 | Line Price | Decimal (15) | Price |
26 | Extended Line Amount | Decimal (15) | Extending Amount |
Control Row
Position | Data | Data Type (Length) | Notes |
1 | Row ID | String (1) | Constant Value "C" |
2 | Row Count | Integer | Count of the total number of rows (lines) in the file, including the control row |
945 Transaction File
To complete the EDI Warehouse Shipment cycle (begins with EDI 940 export) Acctivate also supports the EDI 945, or the Warehouse Shipping Advice document. Below you will see the details for the fields included or that could be used from your 3PL/Logistics Company.
The format of the 945 transaction file is:
- The Header Row is designated by the row type "S" and is the first row in a Warehouse Shipping Advice. The transaction header row includes the information from the Shipment as placed by the 3PL. This includes the 3PL name, Partner Name, Shipment Information, Basic Billing Information. There will be an "S" line per individual shipment if more than one.
- Pack Rows (Row Type "P") appear for each pack/carton within the shipment. A shipment may be made up of several packs. A pack row may be omitted if all the items shipped are part of the same shipment.
- Item Rows (Row Type “I”) appear for each item in the Shipment(s) or Pack. This row contains all products within the designated Shipment. If there are multiple lots for a single item row, then the full item row will be repeated.
Shipment Record (used once per shipment)
Position # | Data | Data Type (Length) | Notes |
1 | Row Type | String (1) | "S" |
2 | Transaction Type | String (3) | "945" |
3 | Accounting ID | Lookup Trading Partner | |
4 | Report Type Code | Ignored | |
5 | Consignee Ship ID | String (30) | 3PL Shipment Number. |
6 | Sched Ship Date | Date | Actual Date Shipped. YYYYMMDD |
7 | Depositor Order # | String (22) | Acctivate Sales Order Number |
8 | Shipment # | String (12) | Ignored. Acctivate Shipment Number |
9 | Consignee PO # | String (22) | Ignored. Customer Order Number |
10 | Master Link Reference | String (22) | Ignored |
11 | Payment Method | List (2) | Ignored. (PP=Prepaid (by Seller); CC=Collect; PC=Prepaid but Charged to Customer; =) |
12 | Requested Delivery Date | Date | Scheduled Delivery Date. YYYYMMDD |
13 | Requested Ship Date | Date | Shipment Date. YYYYMMDD |
14 | Time Shipped | Time | Ignored. Optional Time portion of Shipment Date. |
15 | Transportation Method | List (2) | Transportation Type (H=Customer Pickup; M=Motor (Common Carrier); R=Rail; U=Private Parcel Service) |
16 | SCAC | String (4) | Lookup Carrier by SCAC |
17 | Routing | String (35) | Routing |
18 | Master Bill of Lading # | String (30) | Bill of Lading |
19 | Carrier Pro # | String (30) | Carrier Reference |
20 | Consolidation Code | String (1) | Ignored |
21 | # of Pallets | String (3) | Ignored |
22 | Quantity Shipped | Decimal | Number of Pieces |
23 | Total Weight | String (10) | Gross Weight |
24 | Weight UOM | String (2) | Gross Weight Unit |
25 | Depositor Name | String(60) | Acctivate Company Name |
26 | PO # | String(30) | Lookup Acctivate Sales Order by Customer PO |
27 | Order Date | Date | Ignored |
28 | Freight Charges | Decimal | Shipping Charge |
29 | Ship To Name | String (60) | Ship Address Line 1 |
30 | Ship To Name 2 | String (60) | Ship Attention |
31 | Ship To Address 1 | String (55) | Ship Address Line 2 |
32 | Ship To Address 2 | String (55) | Ship Address Line 3 |
33 | Ship To City | String (30) | Ship Address City |
34 | Ship To State | String (2) | Ship Address State |
35 | Ship To Zip | String (15) | Ship Address Zip |
36 | Ship To Country | String (3) | Ship Address Country |
37 | Ship To Code Type | List (2) | Ignored. (91=Assigned by Seller or Seller's Agent; 92=Assigned by Buyer or Buyer's Agent; 93=Code assigned by the organization originating the transaction set; 94=Code assigned by the organization that is the ultimate destination of the transaction set; 9=D-U-N-S+4: D-U-N-S Number with Four Character Suffix; ZZ=Mutually Defined; 1=D-U-N-S Number: Dun & Bradstreet; =) |
38 | Ship To Code | String (80) | Ignored |
39 | Warehouse Name | String (60) | Ignored |
40 | Warehouse Code Type | List (2) | Ignored. (1=D-U-N-S Number: Dun & Bradstreet; 9=D-U-N-S+4: D-U-N-S Number with Four Character Suffix; 91=Assigned by Seller or Seller's Agent; 92=Assigned by Buyer or Buyer's Agent; UL=UCC/EAN Location Code; ZZ=Mutually Defined; =) |
41 | Warehouse Code | String (80) | Ignored |
42 | Carrier Service | String (25) | Carrier Service |
43 | Billing Option | String (50) | User defined carrier billing options. Used to exclude shipping charges from invoice. |
Pack/Carton Record
Position # | Data | Data Type (Length) | Notes |
1 | Row type | String (1) | "P" |
2 | UCC-128 # | String (48) | SSCC-18 |
3 | Application ID and Data | String (48) | Ignored |
4 | Pallet # | String (48) | Ignored |
Item Record
Position # | Data | Type(length) | Notes |
1 | Row Type | String (1) | "I" |
2 | UPC Case Code | String (112) | Find item on SO by UPC |
3 | Vendor Item # | String (48) | Find item on SO by Product ID |
4 | UPC # | String (48) | Find item on SO by UPC |
5 | Qty Shipped | String (10) | Qty Shipped per Line |
6 | Qty Ordered | String (15) | Qty Ordered as seen in Acctivate |
7 | Qty Difference | String (9) | Ignored |
8 | Order UOM | List (5) | Sales OrderUnit of Measure |
9 | Unit Price | Decimal (30) | Ignored |
10 | Status | List (2) | Ignored. (CC=Shipment Complete on (Date); CP=Partial Shipment on (Date): Considered No Backorder) |
11 | Change Reason | List (2) | Ignored. (01=Out of Stock; 02=Equipment Cut; 03=Booking Location Request; 04=On Hold; 05=Order Discrepancy; 06=Receiving Location Request; 07=Inventory Discrepancy; 08=Material Shortage; 09=Substitution; 10=Diverted Item; 11=Loading Error; 12=Inbound Carrier Failure; 13=Product Allocation Exceeded; 14=Improperly Sized Order; 15=Wrong Equipment; 16=Insufficient Equipment Space; 17=Discontinued Item; 20=Late Stock Transfer; 21=Inadequate Lead Time; 22=Stock Transfer Not Set Up; 23=Item Not Stocked at Shipping Location; 24=Product Withdrawn; 25=Addition Requested by Customer; 26=Bacteria Clearance; ZZ=Mutually Defined) |
12 | Lot # | String (12) | Match existing |
13 | Tracking # | String (30) | Update Pack Tracking Number |
14 | Serial # | String (30) | Match existing or Add New |
15 | Weight | String (10) | Accumulate for Total Pack Weight |
16 | Note | String (30) | Ignored |