Installation Resource
This resource is targeted towards users who are looking for more information and advanced options in deploying Acctivate. It's recommended that the standard installation process is followed for most environments and users.
It's strongly recommended that you review the information below and determine if the steps below apply to your use case.
Folder Permissions
Each install of Acctivate will create the directory C:\ProgramData\Alterity\Acctivate
The following folders are found in this directory:
- Log: The Log folder contains the Acctivate log files
- Reports: The Reports folder caches a local copy of custom reports which are stored in the Acctivate database. Reports that are named as {UniqueIdentifier}-{RevisionNumber}.rpt are cached copies of a report that has been previewed/printed in Acctivate. Reports that are named as {ReportName}.rpt are custom reports which have been exported for inclusion in an .acctrpt file.
New installs of 12.2 or later will create the acct.ini in this directory. The accti.ini contains the path to the Acctivate database. See the note below for more information.
C:\ProgramData\Alterity\Acctivate requires the following permissions:
Security permissions
- SYSTEM: Full control
- Administrators: Full control
- Users: Modify
Domain Administrators and Domain Users groups will be selected in a Windows domain environment. For workgroups, the local computer groups will be selected.
On the computer where the Acctivate Mobile web service is running, the Log directory must give Modify permissions to the Acctivate Mobile app pool (
IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool
by default).Note
In versions prior to Acctivate 12.2, a shared folder named AcctivateData (C:\ProgramData\Alterity\Acctivate) was created on the server by the Acctivate installer. This folder contains the acct.ini configuration file which contains the path of the Acctivate database.
When an existing install is updated to 12.2 or later, the workstations will continue to require access to the shared AcctivateData folder on the server.
The AcctivateData folder requires the following share and security permissions:
Share permissions
- Everyone: Full control
Security permissions
- Administrators: Full control
- Users: Modify
- SYSTEM: Full control
New workstation installs of Acctivate 12.2 or later create an acct.ini in the workstation's local C:\ProgramData\Alterity\Acctivate path.
The AcctivateData and Update directory permissions will not be modified during Acctivate Updates.
Acctivate stores note and email file attachments in the SQL Server database or in SharePoint/OneDrive. However, Windows apps cannot open files directly from the database. Anytime a file is opened, a copy is downloaded from the database and saved in a folder named Acctivate in the Windows User's Temp directory.
You can locate this folder in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\Acctivate (where username is the current Windows user name).
In the Security tab of the Acctivate folder's Properties window, Full control should be granted to SYSTEM, Administrators, and the user who owns this folder, as it is part of their AppData directory.
Install Components
The Acctivate installer is used to install the Acctivate.msi package and various third-party components required by Acctivate.
You can create an offline copy of the required components (except for SQL Server) and the appropriate MSI package for your Acctivate license by running the Acctivate installer with the /layout
- Download Acctivate (or a previous version of Acctivate) and save the installation file.
- Locate the Acctivate installation file and rename the file to setup.exe (note: Simply rename to "setup" if the file extension (i.e. exe) is not visible).
- Open a new Command Prompt window from the Start Menu.
- Change Directory (CD) to the location of the Acctivate installer file.
- Execute the Acctivate installer using the command:
setup.exe /layout
- The installer will open so that you can create an offline copy of the installer. Click Next.
- Enter your Acctivate registration credentials and click Next.
- If necessary, change the directory for where the offline install files should be created. Click Create.
- Once the offline copy has been created, click Finish.
In order to download required components and register Acctivate, certain sites may need to be whitelisted. If you are having problems downloading or registering Acctivate, you may need to whitelist the following domains:
Silent MSI Install
A non-interactive MSI install can be used to deploy Acctivate, however, you must first obtain the appropriate .msi package. Furthermore, prerequisite components files must be installed before attempting the silent install.
See the Install Components section above for instructions on obtaining the .msi package and third party component files.
Silent Server install
Run the following command line in an admin instance of Command Prompt:
msiexec /i AcctivateQB.msi /qn /l*v install.log INSTALLFOLDER="C:\Program Files (x86)\Acctivate" INSTALLDESKTOPSHORTCUT="true" ACCTID="loginid" ACCTPASS="password" SERVERNAME="SERVER" INSTANCENAME="ACCTIVATE" SQLUID="sa" SQLPASS="Password" INSTALLATIONTYPE="Server"
Silent Workstation install
To perform a silent workstation install, you must provide the Acctivate Data Path argument (AcctDataPath) and the installation type should be set to Workstation.
Run the following command line in an admin instance of Command Prompt:
msiexec /i AcctivateQB.msi /qn /l*v install.log INSTALLFOLDER="C:\Program Files (x86)\Acctivate" INSTALLDESKTOPSHORTCUT="true" AcctDataPath="\\servername\AcctivateData" INSTALLATIONTYPE="Workstation"
Silent Database Upgrade
Some Acctivate updates require an update to the database (see Database Updates for more information).
When a database update is required, the user will be prompted to begin the update when logging into an Acctivate company. Some users and hosting providers may prefer to script the database upgrade to more efficiently upgrade multiple company files.
From a command line, you can run Acctivate Database Maintenance and then add the necessary switches and company names to complete the database upgrade.
Start by calling the Acctivate Database Maintenance application and then add the necessary Update command arguments. You can find the application in the root of the Acctivate master directory, named AcctivateDBMaint.exe.
Update Command Arguments:
- /U = Update database
- /C = Company ID
- /QUIET = Errors will be displayed but no informational messages
- /SILENT = Suppress all errors and informational messages
An example of the command to upgrade the company DEMO:
"C:\Program Files (X86)\Acctivate\AcctivateDBMaint.exe" /U /C DEMO
"Database update completed" will appear when the update has finished, unless the /SILENT
command is used.
Upgrade SQL Server using the Acctivate Installer
Acctivate updates can be installed on any computer where Acctivate is currently installed.
Typically, this offers the best experience for installing updates as server access is not required.
However, when an Acctivate update is installed on the server where Microsoft SQL Server is installed, the Acctivate installer can attempt to also upgrade SQL Server.
The Acctivate installer will attempt to upgrade 64-bit versions of SQL Server Express running on Windows Server 2016, Windows 10, or later, to SQL Server 2022 Express 64-bit.
32-bit versions of SQL Server Express running on Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, or earlier, will be upgraded to SQL Server 2014 Express 32-bit (the latest 32-bit version available).
The automatic upgrading of SQL Server by the Acctivate installer can be bypassed by running the installer with the command line option /NoSQLUpgrade
- Download Acctivate and save the installation file.
- Locate the Acctivate installation file and rename the file to setup.exe (NOTE: Simply rename to “setup” if the file extension (i.e. exe) is not visible)
- Open a new Command Prompt window from the Start Menu
- Change Directory (CD) to the location of the Acctivate installer file
- Execute the Acctivate installer using the command:
setup.exe /NoSQLUpgrade
Install using an existing instance of SQL
The Acctivate installer will install the Express edition of Microsoft SQL Server and create an instanced named "ACCTIVATE", unless a previously installed SQL Server instance exists that is specifically named ACCTIVATE.
If you wish to install Acctivate against an existing instance of SQL not named ACCTIVATE, you can perform a command line installation.
- Download Acctivate and save the installation file.
- Locate the Acctivate installation file and rename the file to setup.exe (NOTE: Simply rename to “setup” if the file extension (i.e. exe) is not visible)
- Open a new Command Prompt window from the Start Menu
- Change Directory (CD) to the location of the Acctivate installer file
- Execute the Acctivate installer using one of the commands below.
SQL Authentication (Preferred for Acctivate)
setup.exe /sqlserver=SERVERNAME\INSTANCE /sqluid=sa /sqlpwd=password
Windows Authentication
setup.exe /sqlserver=SERVERNAME\INSTANCE /sqltrusted
Install IIS Components
IIS must be installed on the server where Acctivate Mobile will be installed. Refer to the install guide below.
Server OS
If the mobile server is running a Windows Server OS (refer to the System Requirements for supported server operating systems), perform the following steps:
- Open Server Manager
- Click Manage → Add Roles and Features and click Next.
- Select Role-based or feature-based installation and click Next.
- The local server is selected by default. Click Next.
- Select Web Server (IIS) and click Next.
- No additional features are needed for IIS, click Next.
- On the Web Server Role (IIS) screen, click Next.
- On the Select role services dialog box, verify that the web server components listed below are enabled. Click Next.
- Click Install.
- When the installation completes, click Close to exit the wizard.
Required IIS Components (enabled on the Select role services screen)
- Web Server
- Common HTTP Features
- Default Document
- Static Content
- Security
- Request Filtering
- Basic Authentication
- Windows Authentication
- Application Development
- .NET Extensibility 4.8
- .NET Extensibility
- ASP.NET 4.8
- ISAPI Extensions
- ISAPI Filters
- WebSocket Protocol
- Common HTTP Features
- Management Tools
- IIS Management Console
- IIS 6 Management Compatibility
- IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
- IIS Management Scripts and Tools
- Management Service
Workgroup Host OS
If the mobile server is running a Windows Workgroup Host (refer to the System Requirements for supported workgroup operating systems), perform the following steps:
- In the Windows search bar, search for Turn Windows features on or off.
- Under Internet Information Services, enable the following features:
- Web Management Tools → IIS Management Compatibility
- Web Management Tools → IIS Management Console
- World Wide Web Services → Application Development Features → ASP.NET 4.8
- World Wide Web Services → Common HTTP Features → Static Content
- Click OK.