Acctivate Version 13
Fiserv integration with support for credit card terminals, improved Enter Payments window, improved Enter Purchase Order data entry grid, improved Enter Inventory Transaction and Inventory Count UI/UX, refreshed Create Drop Ship and Special Order window, integration with 3G Pacejet Shipping.
13.0 sp2
Version 13.0 sp2 is available as a preview.
⭐ = Features and improvements
- In the CYMA edition of Acctivate, fix the error "Parameter object is improperly defined. Inconsistent or incomplete information was provided." that may be received when adding a customer-specific Product ID.
- Fix an issue where the database prefix entered during an installation was not written to Acctivate acct.ini configuration file.
Inventory Assembly
- Fix an issue where the Enter Assemblies window displayed the Enter Receipts icon.
- Fix the error "ExecuteReader: CommandText property has not been initialized" that occurred when adding an assembly product without components to the Enter Assemblies window.
- Fix the error "RefreshComponentAvailabilities could not locate row for product..." that would occur when opening the Enter Assemblies window if a component's lot/serial number had been voided and there are no other transactions for the lot/serial number.
Inventory Receipt
- Fix an issue where the Lot/Serial Reference and Specification columns could not be shown or hidden after adding a lot/serial product to the Enter Inventory Receipt window unless the session was saved first.
Landed Cost
- Fix an issue in the Enter Landed Cost window where the Tax Code drop down would display a GUID instead of the tax code name.
- Fix an issue that could occur in the VAT editions of Acctivate where attempting to allocate a landed cost amount in a Landed Cost transaction that had a non-zero tax rate could cause Acctivate to hang.
- Fix an issue where the Inventory button of the Transactions tab in the Product window did not include a Lot/Serial Number column for Numbered When Invoiced products.
- Fix an issue where clicking Edit in the Purchasing list would not open the Enter Purchase Order window in edit mode.
- Fix an issue where pressing F4 in the Product ID field of the Enter Purchase Order window would not open the Product lookup window after selecting a vendor.
- Fix an issue where users could create or edit purchase orders even when their Purchase Order permission was set to View Only.
- Fix an issue where a product's stocking unit would be used as the purchase unit rather than the purchase unit associated with the Product Vendor record.
- Fix an issue where editing the Requested date in the Enter Purchase Order window could cause the editing user's Full Name to overwrite the Requested by field. Instead, the Requested by field will only be populated with the editing user's Full Name if the field is blank and the Requested by date is set, rather than the Requested date field.
- Fix an issue in the Enter Purchase Order window where pressing New and then Undo causes the PO header level custom fields to become hidden and not re-appear until the Enter Purchase Order window is closed and a new one re-opened.
Sales Order
- ⭐ In the side panel of the Sales list, display the customer job separately from the parent customer. Each will be displayed as a link which opens their respective Customer windows.
- Add the "Ctrl+P" shortcut key to the Enter Sales Order window's print menu.
- Fix the error "Column 'SalesAccountID' does not belong to table tbSalespersonInfo." that would occur when creating a sales invoice in the CYMA edition of Acctivate.
- Fix an issue that could occur when trying to match shipments imported from ShipStation to sales orders that were also imported from ShipStation. Since the sales orders originated from ShipStation, the shipment imported was not aware of the Acctivate sales order number and would not be matched. Instead, if the shipment is for an order that originated from ShipStation, the shipments order number will be compared against Acctivate's web order number field determine the Acctivate order number it should be linked to.
- A payment created in Acctivate will sync to QuickBooks under a different customer name when the "Sync as Customer..." option is used. If the payment is updated in QuickBooks without changing the customer name, the update will sync back to Acctivate, and the customer on the payment in Acctivate will remain the same. However, if the customer linked to the payment is changed in QuickBooks, the customer on the payment in Acctivate will also update to match. This resolves an issue where any update to a payment created in QuickBooks by the "Sync as Customer..." option, other than changing the customer, would incorrectly cause the customer associated with the payment in Acctivate to change.
- Fix the sync "Cannot cast DBNull.Value to type 'System.DateTime'. Please use a nullable type." that would occur when syncing an eCheck payment processed with QuickBooks Payments to QuickBooks Online.
Web Store
- ⭐ Add support for adjustment lines (e.g., a discount or promotional code) in the ShipStation sales order import. The Order Import tab of the ShipStation configuration screen now includes a "Default discount product" which will be used if the adjustment line does not include a SKU.
- Fix the error "Run-time error '-2147024882 (8007000e)': Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown." and "Error capturing screenshot:A generic error occurred in GDI+.." that could occur if the web store or shipping workstation sync tried to log an error message containing a long string of text without delimiters.
- When importing sales orders from ShipStation, if the Web Store configuration option "Skip orders with warnings" is enabled, orders with warnings will be skipped and added to the Web Store tab of the Business Alerts window and will be automatically retried during the next sales order import sync.
13.0 sp1
Version 13.0 sp1 was made generally available on February 12, 2025 (Build 6829)
Create Company
- When importing products from QuickBooks Online during Create Company, the Product ID in Acctivate will be created as Category:Name to prevent a duplicate Product ID error that occurs when two items have the same name, but are in different categories.
- Fix an issue where sales order imported from QuickBooks Desktop would show fully invoiced lines as still open, though they were not editable. Now, they are treated as completed lines and hidden unless the "Show completed lines" option is enabled.
- Fix an issue in the Customer window's Contact tab where contact information was appearing under the wrong heading.
Data Presentation
- Improve the loading time of the data presentation lists when navigating between items (e.g., customers, products, vendors, etc.).
- Fix the error "Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces'" that could occur when connecting to EDI mailbox over SFTP.
- Fix an issue where using Tab to move the cursor out of a field may not work.
- Fix an issue where customer imports performed in a QuickBooks Online company may fail with a timeout error.
- Fix an issue in the Transactions list where attempting to highlight a link would cause Acctivate to crash. While highlighting the link is not possible, you can click to open it.
- Fix an issue where changing an Enter Inventory Transaction window's Transaction dropdown would cause the window to refresh and the Transaction dropdown would lose it's focus. Now, the field remains focused so that you can use up and down arrow keys to move through the transactions.
- Fix an issue where the Enter Inventory transaction windows automatically selects the first warehouse alphabetically, even if it's inactive, when only one warehouse is active. If only one warehouse is active, it will be automatically selected.
- Fix an issue where pressing Alt+F4 while the cursor was in the Session field of the Enter Inventory Transaction window would open the Session lookup instead of closing Acctivate.
- Fix the cause of the error "Products could not be updated" that would occur when trying to use an Action in the Inventory Manager to update over 100 products.
- Fix an issue where posting an inventory session that hadn't been saved yet would display the confirmation message "Post inventory session 0?". Instead, if the session hasn't been saved and the user clicks the Post button the message will say "Post inventory session?". Clicking Yes will then save the session and assign the session number before posting.
Inventory Assembly
- Improve the performance of loading and posting inventory assemblies over high-latency connections to the SQL Server by batching the queries used.
Inventory Count
- ⭐ Improve the performance of posting an Inventory Count by not attempting to recalculate costs on any count line that doesn't have it's quantity and costs changed.
Inventory Receipt
- When adding a standard cost product to an inventory receipt that is not linked to a purchase order, the standard cost for the product's warehouse will be use.
- Fix an issue where using the the Product Lookup to select a lot/serial Purchase Order product in the Enter Inventory Receipt window would not load the lot/serial columns.
Landed Cost
- Fixed an issue where the error "Acctivate error (94:0x5E) Invalid use of Null" would occur when posting a Landed Cost session for a vendor without a Company Name in QuickBooks Online.
- Fix the error "Rounding discrepancy too large for FixupRounding" that could happen when posting a Landed Cost session in a VAT edition of Acctivate. Also fix an issue where the Landed Cost session could post but the Landed Cost Invoice creation could fail.
- Fix an issue where a warehouse value was unnecessarily being assigned at the transaction level of a Landed Cost inventory session. The warehouse was unnecessarily assigned starting in version 12.2, so any Landed Cost transaction with a GUIDWarehouse value will be cleared for consistency.
- Remove the warehouse field from the header of the Landed Cost report since a warehouse is not assigned at the transaction level.
- ⭐ Add support for processing eChecks in Acctivate companies integrated with QuickBooks Online by assigning an eCheck Payment Type to Payment Methods named "eCheck", "e-Check", "eCheque", or "e-Cheque" (case insensitive). Similarly, Acctivate will attempt to assign the appropriate credit card Payment Type to Payment Methods in QuickBooks Online based on the name. E.g., a Payment Method named "Visa" will be assigned the Visa Payment Type, rather than "Other Credit Card".
- Increase the Product ID text field in the Print Product Labels window to support the maximum length of a Product ID. Also, fix an issue where a single quote in the Product ID would cause the product to not be found.
- Fix an issue in the Product window where lot/serial numbers had their expiration dates displayed as datetime values rather than dates.
- ⭐ Display the sales order line number in the grid of the Create Drop Ship and Create Special Order windows.
- ⭐ Add support for using Ctrl+J, Shift+Enter, or Alt+Enter for adding a new line in the description field of the Enter Purchase Order window.
- When creating a Purchase Invoice, the Purchase Order's status date field in the database (tbPO.StatusDate / PO.StatusDate) will be updated to be the current datetime. This fixes an issue where other status changes, such as issuing a PO, would record a datetime value, but the Purchase Invoice would use only a date.
- Fix an issue where a Purchase Order that has been partially received or partially invoiced may not show the "Mark as Completed" action.
- Fix an issue where a product which was purchased in a unit other than its stocking unit would default to an Approved Price that was the result of the PO qty in stocking units multiplied by the PO ordered price. This situation only occurred if the Purchase invoice was created prior to an Inventory Receipt.
- Fix an issue in the Enter Purchase Order window where adding a new PO line after adding PO Invoice charges (which are hidden in the Enter PO grid), and then moving the newly added PO line up and down could result in a blank row in the Enter PO grid that cannot be saved.
- Fix an issue where non-standard drop ship lines would not appear in the Create Drop Ship window. The previous behavior, which allowed changing a sales order line type to D and entering a non-standard or Acctivate Product, has been restored.
- After selecting a vendor using the Vendor Lookup in the Enter PO window, the cursor will be placed in the Product ID field of the Purchase Order Details grid.
- Fix an issue where the Ship Attention field in the Enter Purchase Order window would be reverted back to its default when the PO is loaded if the Ship To Address had not been edited.
- Fix an issue where double-clicking a Purchase Invoice on the Invoices tab of the Enter Purchase Order window did not open the Purchase Invoice window. Double-clicking an invoice now opens the Purchase Invoice window as expected.
- Fix an issue where printing labels from the Enter PO window would print one label per row. The previous behavior has been restored so that the number of copies printed is equal to the quantity ordered for the line.
- Fix an issue where the default terms code was not being used when creating a new Purchase Order.
- When re-opening a canceled Drop Ship or Special Order Purchase Order with modified PO quantities, users will be prompted to refresh the ordered quantities to match the linked sales order.
- Fix possible "Invalid column name..." errors that could occur when saving a PO in the Enter Purchase Order window.
- Fix an issue where a Drop Ship or Special Order PO couldn't be created for a negative quantity.
- Fix an issue where the Approve and Issue action didn't set the Approved by name and date when approving a Purchase Order created by another user.
- Fix an issue where a user would receive the message "Product...matches more than one product in the database." when entering a Product ID into the Enter Purchase Order grid. If the entered product matches a Product ID and another product's Alternate Product ID, the Product Lookup window will opens so that you can choose which product to add. If a product has its Product ID as its own Alternate Product ID, then no message will be shown.
- Fix an issue where the Enter Purchase Order window may show an Outstanding amount despite all lines being received. This issue was caused by fractional units of measure, e.g., 0.25 Ea per 1 Qtr.
- In the Enter Purchase Order window, the "Show completed lines" checkbox will automatically be checked if all non-note and non-charge details are marked as completed.
- Fix an issue where the Purchase Order's warehouse wasn't added to the Product once the PO was issued.
- Display keyboard shortcuts for Canceling a Purchase Order and Marking a Purchase Order as Completed in the Action Menu of the Enter Purchase Order window.
- Fix an issue where Purchase Order Detail exceptions may not include all the available exception information.
- Fix the error "Error importing report: Input string was not in a correct format.Couldn't store <> in Copies Column. Expected type is Int32." that could occur when importing an .acctrpt file that had a null value for "Number of copies". Now, if that value is null, it will be set to 1. Likewise, new report definitions created in Acctivate will default the number of copies value to 1.
Sales Order
- ⭐ Add support for using Ctrl+J, Shift+Enter, or Alt+Enter for adding a new line in the description field of the Enter Sales Quote, Sales Order, and Credit Memo windows.
- Fix an issue where copying a sales order for the same customer did not retain the Route and Stop field values from the original order.
- Fix an issue where the weights of a catch-weight product entered in the Lot/Serial tab of the Enter Credit Memo would be summed and converted to a negative quantity at the line level, causing the credit amount to become positive. Now, the weight in the Lot/Serial tab and at the line level will appear as a positive quantity.
Sales Order Import
- ⭐ Add a "Skip duplicate orders" option to the Sales Order Import. The option is enabled by default for new Sales Order Import templates. When enabled, if the web order number being imported already exists for this Sales Order Import template, the order will be skipped.
- Update the Shipment code that may execute when editing a Shipment to use the default SQL command timeout of three minutes instead of the previous 30-second timeout. This change reduces the likelihood of SQL timeouts when editing large shipments.
- ⭐ If QuickBooks Online reports that an Acctivate journal number is a duplicate, Acctivate will compare the journals to determine if they are the same. If they are the same, Acctivate's journal will be linked to the QuickBooks Online journal. If they are different journals with the same journal number, then an error will be logged. This process requires that the QuickBooks Online option "Warn if duplicate journal number is used" is enabled.
- Fix an issue where sales and purchases invoices automatically flagged as DoNotSync in the Acctivate database by a SQL Server trigger would still be synchronized to QuickBooks Online upon creation.
- Add support for identifying which transactions were included in a QuickBooks Desktop condense where the user chose to not create summary transactions. It is recommended that the option to create summary journals is selected so that Acctivate knows which transactions were included. However, if this option is not selected, Acctivate will attempt to infer which transactions were deleted as part of the condense and which transactions were deleted by a user based on time differences.
- Fix the error "Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Currency' is not valid" that would occur when entering an invoice discount in QuickBooks Online that uses a discount type different than the default discount type in Acctivate.
- Fix an issue where Acctivate would sync a journal to QuickBooks Online, but the TxnID returned from QuickBooks doesn't get saved due to another workstation triggering an update or change to the journal tables. This results in Acctivate trying to sync the journal again during the next sync and receiving "Duplicate Document Number Error : You must specify a different number. This number has already been used."
- In QuickBooks Online companies, if tbSyncTime.FullSync is set for a table, the sync usually updates the record in QuickBooks even if no changes are detected. Adjust it so that records older than the closing date aren't updated in QuickBooks unless they've been modified.
- Fix the error "Acctivate (13) Type mismatch." that could occur during the Purchase Invoice portion of the QuickBooks Desktop Sync.
- During sync, if a journal needs to be deleted from QuickBooks Online due to a cost recalculation but the deletion fails, for example, due to an error reported by Intuit's servers, Acctivate will retain the journal in the list of journals to be deleted and attempt the deletion again in the next sync.
Web Store
- Update the Acctivate Shopify connector to use the 2025-01 API. Also, make a change to the Shopify shipment export so that if an exception occurs while sending shipment data to Shopify the web sync date won't be set on the shipment in Acctivate. That ensures that the next sync will retry sending the shipment.
- Fix an issue where the Legacy Magento web store connector may cause Acctivate to crash when a web store sync was performed.
Version 13.0 was made generally available on December 20, 2024 (Build 6814)
- Fix an issue that prevented Acctivate's File Storage integration from working properly with SharePoint folders. Now, either a OneDrive or SharePoint folder can linked to Acctivate.
- Fix an issue where users would receive "Not connected to OneDrive." after intentionally disconnecting Acctivate from Microsoft OneDrive/SharePoint.
Create Company
- Fix an issue where user permissions may not be created and assigned after creating a company against a shell database.
Database Maintenance
- ⭐ Improve performance of "Database Verify" for hosted databases.
- ⭐ When creating a database backup, the "Overwrite existing sets" option will default to checked.
- During a Database Verify, any clustered indexes will be changed to non-clustered. When creating a new index, it will be created as non-clustered.
- Fix a bug in CYMA Database Maintenance's Database Info window where the CYMA server name dropdown would be blank, which then caused a "Could not connect to the database server" error when saving.
- ⭐ In the View Current Users window, add a Log off User button that allows system administrators to force log off workstations.
- ⭐ When a database upgrade is required after installing an Acctivate update, all users must be logged out of Acctivate. A Force Log Out button has been added to the message box that appears if users are still logged in when a database verify is initiated. The button will only appear if all of the logged in users are are logged in with version 13.0 or later. This feature allows system administrators to forcibly log out other users, ensuring the database upgrade can proceed.
- ⭐ In the desktop version of Acctivate, support using a USB scanner to scan an inventory session barcode to populate the Session field in the Enter Inventory Transaction windows.
- In the Enter Inventory Transaction windows, a session number will no longer be assigned until the session has been saved. This prevents session numbers from being incremented even when a session isn't saved.
- ⭐ In the inventory transaction windows, the 'Lot/Serial #' column will appear in the grid only when a lot or serial product has been added to the transaction. Similarly, in the Enter Inventory Receipt window, the optional lot/serial attributes (such as expiration date, reference, and specification) will display only if they are configured to show.
- ⭐ Improve the layout of the Enter Transaction windows by grouping related Transaction fields in a side panel. This also allows fields to move up when irrelevant fields are hidden, providing a better use of space.
- Fix a bug in the Inventory Transactions windows where it was possible to save a blank row.
- If the Transaction Date of an inventory transaction falls on or before the QuickBooks closing date, a warning icon will appear beside the Transaction Date. When clicked, it will display a message explaining the Transaction Date is within the closed accounting period.
- Fix the error "Deleted row information cannot be accessed through the row." that would occur after deleting the only transaction in an Inventory session.
- Fix an issue where attempting to refresh an Enter Inventory Transaction window for a session that has been deleted would cause a looping message prompt.
- Fixed an issue where editing a specific inventory transaction from the Transaction List opened the first transaction instead of the selected one.
Inventory Assembly
- ⭐ In the Enter Assemblies window, hide the Lot/Serial attribute fields (Expiration, Reference, and Specification) until a Lot/Serial number has been entered in. Previously, the fields always showed, but they weren't editable until a Lot/Serial number was entered. Until a Lot/Serial number is entered in, a warning icon will display next to the Lot/Serial field. When clicked, it explains that the attributes will be available for entry after entering a lot/serial number.
Inventory Count
- ⭐ The Create Count window is now opened by clicking the New button in the Enter Count window.
- Fix an issue where printing a Count Sheet would results in all count sessions being included, and printing a Count Variance would result in all posted count sessions being included.
Inventory Issue
- Fix an issue where the Inventory Issue GL account would get reverted to the default for the warehouse if the GL Account was selected prior to selecting the warehouse.
Landed Cost
- Fix an issue where the InventoryByWarehouseLot data view could calculate the AmtReceived and AmtIssued values for a lot or serial number incorrectly if a landed cost had been allocated to the lot or serial number.
- During a DB Verify on Acctivate's master database, a check will be performed to prevent an unnecessary re-registration of the AcctivateSqlFunctions assembly. Re-registering the assembly requires SQL sa permissions; otherwise, the error "An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. --> UNSAFE ASSEMBLY permission was denied on object 'server', database 'master'." may be returned. The check implemented ensures that the re-registration is only performed when necessary.
- Make a change to mitigate a potential cause of the "Cannot find column..." error that may occur when using the lookup windows.
- Fix the error "Acctivate.Picking.PicklistDetailPage.BackButtonClicked" that could occur in Acctivate Mobile Picklist Picking when the back button was tapped more than once very quickly.
- ⭐ Integrate with Fiserv for processing eChecks and credit cards entered into Acctivate, or process credit cards using a Fiserv supported credit card terminal.
- ⭐ Improve the the Enter Payment window's user interface and user experience. The payment information fields have been reorganized so that common fields always show on the left side of the window and credit card or eCheck specific fields appear on the right side. The Enter Payment window is now always in an editable state with the ability to save changes once they're made. Finally, in companies that are integrated with Fiserv, the user can switch between keying a credit card or using a terminal to process a credit card.
- ⭐ Change the layout of the Payment window to match the new layout of the Enter Payment window.
- ⭐ Update the Payment Receipt form to match the new layout of Enter Payment window.
- ⭐ Update the Purchase Order Window to have a configurable, single line grid.
- ⭐ Improve the layout and functionality of the Create Drop Ship POs and Create Special Order POs windows.
- Fix the errors "PO number ... could be not found." and "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." that would occur when opening an Inventory Receipt in the Transactions list or the Enter Receipt window for a receipt that was linked to a Purchase Order which has had its PO number changed.
- ⭐ Add support for VAT Tax codes in the Create Reorders and Create Drop Ship/Special Order POs windows.
- Prevent copying a Drop Ship Purchase Order since Drop Ship POs must originate from a Sales Order.
- When creating Purchase Orders from the Create Reorders window, if a PO unit is invalid due to it's relationship with the product stocking unit being recently changed, provide a clear message rather than an "Attempted to divide by zero." error.
- When adding an "N" (non-standard) line to the Enter Purchase Order window, set the ordered quantity to 1, the purchase unit to the default stocking unit from Product Defaults in Inventory Options (or "Ea" if not set), and the price to 0.00.
- ⭐ Update the style of the default inventory transaction forms.
Sales Order
- ⭐ n Acctivate companies with only one active warehouse, the Warehouse column is hidden by default in the Enter Sales Order window's detail grid. However, this column can be added to the grid using the 'Show Columns' menu.
- ⭐ Update the style of the lot/serial number dropdown in the Enter Sales Order and Picklist windows to match the style used elsewhere. This updated dropdown style auto-sizes to ensure that its contents fit without requiring scroll bars.
- ⭐ Change the Product ID and Price Code lookup button from an ellipsis to a magnifying glass in the Enter Sales Order window.
- ⭐ Integration with 3G Pacejet Shipping.
- Fix an issue where not all shipments may be imported in if multiple pages of shipments are returned from ShipStation. Also, if ShipStation returns an HTTP error code between 400 and 599, the error will be reported as an exception rather than ignored. This prevents a scenario where an error is encountered, but ignored.
- When creating Cost of Goods Sold journals in QuickBooks Online, the Location/Department assigned to the journal will be based on the invoice's Branch, rather than the invoice line's warehouse.
- Fix the payment sync error "Exception changing record to other Key ' ...' System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'Intuit.Ipp.Data.Line[]'" that would occur in QuickBooks Online companies when a payment wasn't applied to any invoices.
User Interface
- ⭐ Limit each manager window (Sales Order Manager, Purchase Order Manager, Activity Manager, Inventory Manager) and each restock window (Create Reorders and Create Assemblies) to a single open instance at a time. If a user attempts to open a window that is already open, the existing instance will be brought to the foreground.
Web Store
- When eBay throttles API requests, Acctivate will wait five minutes before trying again, rather than the usual ten seconds, ensuring there is sufficient time for the eBay servers to respond.
- Fix an issue with the web store shipment sync where the shipped quantity for kit products may be overstated.
- When querying for products by updated date with the BigCommerce v2 connector, the ISO 8601 date/time format will be used. This works around a reported BigCommerce issue where the documented date format may not work correctly.