Logging into Acctivate
You can launch Acctivate by double clicking the Acctivate icon on your desktop or by launching Acctivate from the Start Menu. If you are accessing Acctivate through a Hosted Environment or on a Terminal Server you may need to first remotely access the computer where Acctivate is installed.
If your copy of Acctivate has not been registered, you will only see the demo company and have limited access. The splash screen will display Trial has expired and a Register Acctivate button will appear above the company. Click the button to enter in your Acctivate license credentials (included on your invoice for the purchase of Acctivate).
Company Selection
The Company menu of the login screen will display the different Acctivate databases you can choose from. A Demo database is installed with Acctivate. The login screen will default to the last Company that was accessed on the workstation where Acctivate is being accessed.
Login Credentials
You can login to the Demo database by using the User ID 'sys' and leaving the Password field blank. This is also the default login for a new database and it's strongly suggested you set a password for the user 'sys' as well as setup a user for anyone who will access Acctivate.
Splash Screen information
The left side of the splash screen will update from time to time to show relevant information such as promotions, upcoming webinars, and available software updates.
Once you've entered your User ID and Password, click Login.
If you are logged into an Acctivate company and want to switch to another company, use the File menu to select Change Company.